Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 1 Night

I called Danny after work at 7pm and things were not going well. Tyler's sats were in the 30's and he had tachycardia, rapid heart rates in the 200's, so they transitioned him into the PCICU (ped cardiology ICU). He continued to be agitated. I wonder why?? They were not feeding him since he was on a high flow oxygen and had 2 IV's in. They put him on heparin (anti-coagulant med) because they thought the episode might be a result of a clot in his shunt. After he was upset and agitated for hours and hours, I got to the point that I was going to demand he be fed if they didn't feed him. 20 hours of fasting would put any baby into a state of agitation plus it isn't good for his liver condition to be on TPN. I just kept listening to my intuition and really felt that would calm him down. At 3AM they decided to let me try feeding him, he finally went to sleep and has been fairly stable. His sats are in the 60's, he is pretty happy considering where he is. In rounds they thought he was agitated considering the heart rate and sats have stabilized. They reduced heparin and state that he simply needs the Glenn procedure. As I said earlier, Tyler likes to pull out a few tricks along the way. We are grateful he is doing better and I am grateful the nurses are patient with my constant demands last night for food. Hopefully day 2 sagas at UCSF will be less eventful.


Heather said...

Oh Heidi! What a night. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to keep you company through it all. Please let me know if you want me to come today or tomorrow. If not, I'll see you on Saturday. I love you so much. Stay strong. Tyler is so lucky to have you there with him. We will keep praying for him that everything will go good tomorrow.

Julia M. said...

I am praying for you all right now. I admire your ability to go after your intuition. You're amazing!

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