Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blessing for Little Tyler

Danny gave Tyler a blessing this morning with two of his dental students from UOP. It was quite touching and I know will help him so much. He blessed him with a fast recovery, adequate monitoring of his hematoma before, during and after surgery, that his bowels would resist hunger, his limbs would stay warm, he would be still during recovery, understand that the pains he goes through are in his best interest for a good long term prognosis and that he will be a beacon of faith and hope to all. We are so grateful that the Lord is able to bless Tyler through the priesthood. He has been doing really well today.


Mom and Dad McMillan said...

Dear Danny, Heidi, Scott, and Tyler,
What a beautiful blessing that was given to Tyler in faith. We are all praying for you for tomorrow as Tyler undergoes surgery and praying for the doctors that their minds and hands will be guided. We will be constantly praying and thinking about you all day!

Love, Mom and Dad McMillan

Anonymous said...

Dear Heidi: We are all praying that the operation goes well tomorrow. Danny explained the surgery to us at dinner and the doctors know what they have to do and what to look for. Please get some rest tonite and know that we will all be praying at 8am on Wednesday... Dad...

The Boz said...

Heidi and Danny,

I read your entries and can't help but be touched by the Spirit that seeps through them. You two are such an example to me of faith and strength. Know that I'm thinking of you A LOT and praying and telling all of my friends about you and your situation constantly. The power of positive thinking people is amazing. We probably can't even come close to understanding the purpose or knowing the far reaching affects of this whole situation, but it is all for the best as I know that our Heavenly Father's hands are in it. I love you guys and will be praying for you EXTRA tomorrow.

Much Love,

Unknown said...

Heidi and Danny,

God bless your little boy; I am praying for Tyler and know that the spirit of God is with your family. I know there are many people whose love and prayers are with you through this time, I know the Lord is with Tyler to comfort him and carry him during his time of need. God bless my prayers will be with you...Bradley Lechtenberg

Autumn said...

We are sending you are our prayers from Germany as well. You are in our thoughts and hearts.
Autumn and Joel Shumway

Ashley said...

Heidi, Danny and the boys, You are all so strong. Please know that we are praying for you all and that little Tyler with be protected by angels! Stay strong and keep keepin' on. All our love, Ashley and family

Angie said...

Dear Danny & Heidi,
We're so glad to hear that Tyler is doing well. We continue praying for him and you and can't wait to hear how the surgery went.
Hyrum & Angie

Jeanine Spence said...

Danny & Heidi,

Everyone in your NJ family is praying for you and your family. Everyone sends their love.
By the time you read this I'm sure you are exhausted from not getting sleep last night and from the endless hours waiting in the "family waiting area - post op" looking at the door waiting for the surgeon to come in. But I'm sure you are now able to breath a sigh of relief that the surgery is over and everything went well.
If there is anything we can do from NJ please let us know.
We love you all and can't wait to meet Tyler in person.
Love, Jeanine, John, Hannah, Taylor & Emma

Jeanne said...

Dear Danny, Heidi, Scott and Tyler-

Thank you for taking the time and effort to keep everyone updated on Tyler's condition and how things are going for you. I know that this is a very difficult time for your family and our prayers are with you that you will continue to have the needed faith and strength that will sustain you through this. Tyler's blessing was beautiful, and we are so blessed to have the priesthood in our lives to know that God is close by and he is the one in control. I took the liberty of putting all your names in at the Oakland Temple last week, and so I know that many people's faith and prayers are being exercised in your behalf. So, glad to hear that all went well yesterday with Tyler's surgery, and will continue to improve as each day goes by. Take good care of yourselves so that you will be in the best possible health over these days ahead. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jeanne & Kent Lamb

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.