Sunday, March 15, 2020


Originally, we were looking for homes closer to Northgate.  It is the same middle and high school as Woodlands the a little bigger homes.  We put an offer on Comanche that was already in contract.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized how convenient it would be with working and living in the same neighborhood.  Convenient for the kids to ride back and forth to our home and pool, convenient for me to bike or run to the pool, amazing to be in my sisters neighborhood with a smaller elementary school which might be really nice for my kids. 

We looked at some homes which Danny hated.  I get it because I looked at a couple homes in Northgate, some really nice, that I just didn't like.  I left one that was so nice but I hated it. I felt a horrible feeling.  I knew it just wasn't right.   I am so grateful for prayer.  I prayed to be guided and knew we were being guided.  What was most important?  A home where my family would be happy and surrounded by great relationships to help them become the best people they could become.  I consider Danny and myself to be simple people that are pretty minimalistic.  Neither of us had a list of what our home needed to look like or include.  We wanted one with enough space but not too much.  A more open floor plan would be awesome.  A home that could be filled with friends.  We walked through this one and loved it.  The yard!  The location! It was remodeled and expanded. Most homes in the Woodlands would be a little too small for a family of 6 but this one was perfect.  We both just felt good about it.  I am sure the market will correct soon.  It can't keep going like it is going but we felt like if we found a home we liked, we should go for it. 

Buying a home in this area is so different.  A lot of realtors place homes for sale 50-100,000 lower than they actually expect to get.  It allows people in that price range to make an offer and people in the actual price range to bid it up.  We knew before even putting in an offer that they were going to counter everyone who submitted an offer. We offered a little over, but realized it was stupid to go way over because that will just inflate the price.  Not everyone had that logic and of course people went way over, which I still don't get.  So we put in a price we thought it would actually sell for and the family supposedly liked us so chose us compared to another offer.  People put in offers with no contingencies.  We had a couple but really shortened them. Anyway, we feel great about it. It really will be the perfect home for us.  Great location, great home, close to my sister and my work, great neighborhood, great yard.  So sad to leave our current neighborhood and home which we love but feel like it is the right thing and right timing.  We have always let the Spirit guide our decisions and know that this is where we are supposed to be. We have no idea all the whys and reasons but are at peace that it will all work out.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

wow Heidi!!! Your new home looks BEAUTIFUL!! I am so happy for you guys! We'll have to come out and visit so that we can all hang out in your pool. :) I think it's awesome how you guys have such trust that the Lord will guide you to where you need to be, and that you are so willing to follow the Spirit. I'm sure the kids will go crazy over that huge backyard!!

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