Sunday, September 29, 2019

Youth Program and Temple

LOVE LOVE LOVE that the Oakland Temple is open again.  Danny and I were able to go a couple weeks ago on a Saturday morning and actually be able to a session. I am going to start going on Tuesday mornings again.  So excited.  Shawna and I are going to go on Tuesday mornings and whoever else we talk into going.  The temple seems like an entirely different temple on the inside.  I can't figure out where things used to be and how they changed it.  Shawna got endowed this week and it was magical!  So amazing to see someone embrace the gospel and receive all the blessings that the gospel brings into your life. Humbling and amazing.  It was a magical day.  Going through for the first time is information overload but being able to go through as an escort is such a neat experience because you get to just soak it all in.  The assistant to the matron was such an amazing lady.  Led by the spirit in her council and wisdom.  Magical day!  I came away filled with JOY!  We had a lesson on the difference of joy and happiness in relief society and I just felt total joy the entire time.  Realizing that the Lord wants and provides the way for us to have joy.  Joy is possible through Christ.  Grateful to return and continue to receive the spirit, the hope and the light of the temple more fully in my life.

Today in church we learned about the new youth program and I am so excited.  It reminds me exactly why I am homeschooling.  Being able to be a greater influence and teacher in my children's lives.  It is so easy to expect everyone else to teach our children.  They go from being at school all day, to sports or other activities and the time they have at home to be with family or learn about the gospel takes backseat.  I have felt for the last couple of weeks that Danny should teach the kids piano.  Some of it is the convenience but the main thing is that I think it could be a great bonding experience for them.  Right now it is a struggle.  Teaching your own kids is a struggle.  They are used to learning from other people, respecting teachers more than their parents.  Social norms.  The thing my kids lack the most is quality time.  20-30 minutes of uninterrupted, quality time and I think that piano could be that for them.  I really do feel that in time it would be a great thing for Danny to share with the kids.

Scott wanted to swim after volleyball but there was no room for Scott on the swim team.  At first, I felt bad for him because he had friends on the team but he wasn't bothered.  He used it as an opportunity to run and swim at the gym.  So we have been going together to run and swim.  It has been something we share together and I have really enjoyed.  It is quality time.  It also is a great motivator for me to get in shape finally. 

So that is what I am most excited about the new youth program.  It is a family based program.  To incorporate learning into our family.  To help our kids reach their potential.  To help our kids seek out and recognize their talents and give them the tools to prepare for missions and to grow closer to the Lord. 

I am excited to see the new skills and talents our family learns.  I am excited to see us grow closer to the Lord.  Most importantly to slow down and focus on what is most important.  Having the spirit in our home.  I really think it is going to be an amazing program! 

1 comment:

Lees Summit Window Tinting said...

Thaanks for writing this

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