Friday, October 18, 2019

20th High School Reunion

20th Reunion

It is CRAZY to me that I graduated high school 20 years ago.  It feels like the other day. In some ways I feel the same age. These ladies made high school some of the best years of my life.  I LOVED LOVED LOVED high school.  I would do it over in a heartbeat and mainly because of my friends.  So many crazy, great times with these girls.  I loved learning at school just as much as I loved the thrill of ditching school.  That pretty much sums up high school for me.  I loved doing homework because it usually meant doing it with a friend or some crush I had at the time.  It was worry free for the most part.  I have few regrets from high school.  I do with I didn't date seriously in high school but that I guess is just part of the journey of growing up.  Some of my high school friends still get together all the time.  Many of them moved back to Danville/Walnut Creek.  I am not as connected mostly because I am so busy with my kids and our life wherever we are living but when I am with them it is just filled with extreme love and appreciation and great memories. I love them for who they helped me to become, their loyalty, support and love. Laurel made it all possible.  She spent hours and hours convincing people to come to the reunion.  It was a great night.  Laurel with her farewell song she sang at graduation.  Sam and Tiffany with their dance off.  Jared and Adam singing with their guitars.  In so many ways it brought back some great memories.  I wish I took more photos but had a great night catching up with friends.

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Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.