Monday, March 30, 2015

Krey Coyotes song kickoff

A couple of months ago I asked the office personnel at the elementary about the school song.  Turns out there's no song.

So I wrote one myself.

Last year, right before Christmas break, I pitched it to the principal.  I had emailed him a couple of times with no response, and then one morning, I saw him directing traffic.  He was talking with a disgruntled parent, and I said, "I gotta talk to you."

He probably thought I was another disgruntled parent, but I said, "I made up a song about Krey."

He had this worried look.

I continued, "It's a spirit song, you know, one we can sing at assemblies."  Then he started to perk up and we went to the cafeteria where there's a piano.  Pianos in Utah were mainstream but in California they're precious commodities.  I sang the song and he was really impressed.

Then I said, "I was worried you'd say, 'Well, why not make it fair and open it up to the student body?  Then we'll vote on the best song.'"  He said, "Yeah, maybe we could do that, but since this is already done, let's just go with it."

Today was the kick-off assembly.  I brought my 1989 Ensoniq keyboard, but the stinkin' thing wouldn't initialize!  I couldn't troubleshoot it in time for the gig so we used my garage band recording, with a piano track from the Cable console, a guitar track, and vocals.  Here's the video.


Janine said...

Pretty cool Danny! Way to take the initiative to just go for it! Your name will go down in history at Krey Elementary!

Chelle said...

Yay! I remember you playing that song at Thanksgiving and I thought it had the coolest melody. So unique and it didn't sound like the generic school songs. I love how you took things up with the principal. :)

Make a Wish Reveal

Tyler is doing a make a wish trip to Hawaii this year.  We have been so fortunate that for the last 10 years he has been relatively healthy ...