Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fontan no-go

The team decided that although Tyler's pulmonary pressures are good, his AV valve leaks too much and they would rather postpone his surgery since now he is only an average candidate. We have to rely on the expertise of our specialists, so we will follow their recommendations and Tyler will likely come home tomorrow on enalapril instead of captopril. Good, because we never liked that captopril. When I spoke with Tyler on the phone, he just wanted to play his DS. Heidi said that's how he's coped with the stress. Oh, the brave little man.

I was planning on riding the VFR to San Francisco and spending the night with Tyler, but I was throwing up all night. So I'm going to stay.

I spoke with a pediatrician who said that when he's doing a procedure and he's done all he can, he has to rely on God for the rest. I've actually heard that from several surgeons.


cici said...

Sorry about the change in plans, but happy for Tyler not having to have surgery now. God's timing is perfect so I know there is a good reason.
Sorry you got Kira's bug. Rest is in order for Papa.

Angie said...

You must be disappointed after gearing up for the surgery. It's a good reminder from the surgeons that it really is all in God's hands.

Allison said...

I was just checking in and saw this news! I can't imagine the mixed emotions since it takes so much prep to get ready for a big surgery just to have things change at the last minute. I hope his Enalapril does the trick and helps that valve leakage so you can have a better idea of what is to come. Hang in there!

Heather said...

Sorry for the change in plans for the surgery, but hopefully this will lead to an even more successful result. Our thoughts are with you and Tyler. What a brave little boy he is. So proud of him. Hoping your feeling better soon too.

Laurel said...

sorry to hear that it's a no go right now as I'm sure you were somewhat looking forward to it being over with. But, I'm sure the Dr.'s know what they're doing and this decision is for the best. Keeping you all in our prayers. Love you.

Laura said...

That must feel so strange to be plannig for surgery and then it ends up not happening. I am so sorry that you all ended up sick too!!! Of all times?! I do believe that doctors can be inspired and with so many people praying for Tyler I'm sure the beat decision was made. We r just happy that he is still your little man and how brave he was going into it. I ended up loosing my voice and a sinus infection but we would love to come see him as soon as i am well at home instead of at the hospital. Love you all and hope everyone is feeling better!!

Chelle said...

Oh wow...so how are you guys feeling about that? Relieved? Disappointed? Both? Hopefully the new meds will be better for Tyler. So what did they say is the plan now? Will they check again in 6 mos or so? And yuck Danny, I'm so sorry you're throwing up. That is so much worse than out the other end. I hope you guys recover quickly!!! Also, that is really touching that so many dr's rely on God. It's refreshing to hear in our increasingly "take God out of everything" country.

Robin said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you always, and I know you know that. Let Tyler know we love him, and that we can hardly wait to see his smiley face. Zeus wants to play ball with him. We are so grateful for prayer and God's timing in all that surrounds us. Love you all.

Janelle said...

I hope Tyler is home and happy now, and avoids the flu!

allison said...

Ahh man! I'm sure this is for the best despite the roller coaster of emotions you've had to deal with.
Josh was on Enalapril after his Glenn & until his Fontan...it was great! It was a tiny dose compared to Captopril & Josh took it in pill form which was a perfect option for him.
Good luck...and hope that stomach bug leaves the house ASAP!

Anna and Ryan said...

Oh man. I'm so sorry that things didn't go as planned. Grateful for the good judgement of the doctors though. I hope that the next time will be the right time and all will go smoothly. Tyler is a trooper and you guys are amazing for the way that you provide calm assurance and comfort. We love you guys.

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