Thursday, December 2, 2010

8 Months

I simply CAN"T BELIEVE we have an 8 Month Old!! I just can't believe it. This is about the time that I get baby hungry. I was pregnant when Scott was 10 months and Tyler was 9 but that won't be happening this time around. I never thought I really liked babies but I guess I do, because I am kind of sad that I don't have a baby anymore. Kira is big. Not in size, but in doing big girl things. Not just sitting and being a baby and that is kind of sad. It just goes too fast and I want to hold onto the time that they let you hold them whenever you want and need you for every need they have. It is such a short window that goes too fast. Here is Kira at eight months in a nut shell....
  • Eats more formula than breastmilk. I usually nurse until 9 months partially out of laziness and mostly out of a love that my babies don't feed every 1.5 hours when they are drinking my watery milk. I really do miss the convenience of nursing when I am done. Kira is the first child that I feel actually likes nursing.
  • Everything goes into her mouth! With two boys in the house she always has something in her mouth. Glad that she hasn't really choked yet. She does a great job at coughing it out.
  • Sucks her index finger most of the time. Thumb some of the time and both occasionally. So nice that she can self soothe. Extra nice at night.
  • Independent. She roams around the house finding things to play with. Will be entertained with paper. Really doesn't need or have an interest in toys.
  • Loves her dad and her dad loves her.
  • Smiles with her eyes which I LOVE!
  • Never let people feed her with a spoon hence passing up baby food.
  • Eats anything on her plate. She will eat food that our boys think is too spicy. We are experimenting to see if we can train her to eat spicy food young. So nice that she will eat anything we eat. Luxury!
  • Loves her brothers. They can make her laugh like nobody else except maybe the dogs whiskers.
  • Loves the bath and shower. She will sit in the shower with me and be totally content crawling around under the rain.
  • Pulls herself up. Not so sure about cruising. It usually ends in a fall.
  • Quiet. Doesn't talk or babble much. Must be a McMillan.
  • Inquisitive. Things to think and watch things intently.
  • Routine?? Sometimes I think she would be in more of a routine if I catered to her needs. It is hard. Today I had joy school so put her down for a morning nap at my convenience just to wake her up to get Scott at school. If it was up to her she would probably wake up around 3-5 to eat and go back to bed until 8'ish. She would stay up for about 2 hours and go back to bed for a quick nap (less than an hour) and another quick nap in the early evening before going to bed around 8-9. I wish I was better at routines. Oh well.
  • Calm and chill.....lets hope it stays that way.
  • Rubs her eyes when she is tired and gets fussy when she is tired.
  • Doesn't like being alone. She doesn't need 100% of your attention but does need to have someone in the room with her. She is fine if Scott stays with her and he is such a great babysitter. He takes his role very seriously. If I take a shower and ask him to babysit, he informs me that she didn't cry and what they did together. Very cute!
  • Weight: 15.1 oz (7%)
  • Height: 2'3" (54%)
  • Head: 16.5" (10%)

Kira has been the easiest transition into our family and thank goodness because her brothers have been bundles of energy lately. I know that I am going to look back at this time and say, "I remember when you were the easy one Kira." For now I will cherish and treasure it.


Heather said...

Happy 8 Months Kira! Definitely one of the smiliest babies I've ever met. What a nice recap of her. Can't wait to watch her and Paisley become good friends.

Laura said...

She really is such a good baby! You've done a great job! That is so great she eats so well! Looks like you had fun on your trip too...glad that you made it safe on those roads!!!

Angie said...

She is so so darling!

Laurel said... did the time go by so fast? Our babies are less and less like "babies." 8 Months is such a fun age though.

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