Monday, October 11, 2010

The Almost Worst Sacrament Meeting Ever

The week actually got a lot better with Tyler. We go out in the morning and I have been sooo good at saying no to being out all day or doing too much for our family. It has been really nice. Danny getting the kids to bed on time has been awesome. We had a great week until....

Sacrament Meeting. I would like to record for my posterity and anyone that needs a little pick me up about their sacrament meetings that I possibly had the WORST sacrament meeting ever in the history of my life yesterday! I take that back. There were meetings on the mission where my heart sank because someone you loved and expected didn't come, but that is different.

Anyway, Sacrament is the first 1.15 minutes of church where the whole family learns to sit quietly and listen. They are usually OK (that is all relative). Scott draws, eats his snacks, sometimes listens, is working on being quieter and sitting on the bench little by little. Tyler is generally tired which can be good and bad. Good when he sits and plays with his cars and actually falls asleep and bad when he gets cranky and in his brothers space. They aren't the quietest, they don't always get along, but they do alright. Kira is so easy. She sits, sometimes squeeks and only occasionally gets fussy. We work on constantly reverence, but they also have a lot of energy. Danny and I had a lot of energy growing up.

With that said, yesterday nearly did me in. Starting with Scott wanting to keep the sacrament cup. Whimpering, sadness, tears begin when I took it away. We leave and return only for Scott and Tyler to start fighting. It hit its boiling point when Tyler threw his coloring book at Scott. All I remember is somehow sweeping all three kids up and dragging them out of the meeting. Putting the boys in corners is all I could do. Tyler's teacher, Sister Virgin, the sweetest, kindest person in the world was sitting outside and asked how she could help and I was just too frustrated to even think how she could help. It didn't get any better. For some reason we went back into the meeting just to come out again with Tyler. At least when we came out, we found a quiet, dark room and Tyler almost fell asleep. Some much needed peace to lower my blood pressure.

I rarely feel overwhelmed as a parent. I can usually flow with the swing of things, but yesterday I was OVERWHELMED. I dropped Tyler off to nursery thanking the teachers numerous time for giving me a chance to find my sanity. It took me all of Sunday school to recover. Talking to friends is the best therapy ever. Shed some tears, got out some good laughs about my crazy emotions and was recovered. Kira cried through Relief Society for some unknown reason which was so sad, but I was able to handle it and so grateful I recovered from my emotional breakdown. Whew...lets hope that doesn't happen again for a long time!!

Hey, it is good to be humbled sometimes. It is good to recognize how grateful I am that I usually handle my children with minimal stress. It is good to realize that if Sacrament doesn't go 100% at least it is usually better than yesterday. Mothering....gotta love it!

The only reason it wasn't the WORST is because an amazing man received the Holy Ghost. He has come with his wife and kids forever and it was so amazing to see him join the church and receive some incredible blessings. Love it!! Nothing made my week happier. And there were some great testimonies that I heard bits and pieces that lifted me as well.

Here is a great video!


cici said...

I love your honesty. It is so refreshing to read your blog. Most Mothers try to pretend their children are perfect and their lives are too ;{
Your boys are adorable and just acting like little boys. You are a great Mom and Danny a great Dad, I can just tell, that is why your blood pressure rises when this happens and you don't just sit there and let it happen and that is why I know you are raising two fine young men (although you may not know it until they are 21 ;)
I know why sweet little Kira got upset, because she feeds off your emotions, as my daughter did at that age, and she became distressed too.

Your blog was the first one I ever read and was introduced to many many heart babies and I thank you for that. I make it a habit to check in on all of them and pray for them and I am praying for all of you too.
Sleep well tonight knowing you are doing an awesome parenting job!

Laura said...

I'm so sorry that it was such a bad time!!! I hope it wasn't cause of Date night!!! Really I dont' know how you ALWAYS keep your cool with the kids, not that they are bad kids or anything, but i have such a hard time keeping my patience sometimes and I know my kids are pretty good! Glad you were where you could have a little break, have a moment and jump right back to being the best Mom ever!!!

Jacki said...

hmmmm...maybe we shouldn't have given Tyler that two liter of Dr. Pepper on Saturday night...

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