Finally Totally Potty Trained

So I just read Scott what I wrote to him about being so proud of him for the primary program. He had a huge smile on his face and he said at the end,

"what about the night?"

Meaning what about writing how proud you are that I no longer wear diapers at night?"

How cute is that??

We have been soo proud of Scott for waking up dry without diapers this week!!! And I am glad that he knows it and wants to shout it to the world. He told Cindy last night at dinner about his latest potty training accomplishments.

Anyway, 3 years ago, when Scott was two he basically potty trained himself in a day with very little work on my part. It helped that we waited a couple of months after he was going to the bathroom on his own and ready. The timing of Tyler coming helped since he was probably ready when his brother was born and we waited about 2 more months. That was when he was about 2 and he is almost 5. Maybe I should have restricted water, but I didn't and just waited. We are so proud of him!! So proud of our little man even though I think that it isn't much up to them, but still soo proud and most happy that he is aware how proud we are of him.


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