Sunday, October 19, 2008

Proposition 8

As many of you know, Proposition 8 regarding traditional marriage is on the ballot again this year in California. Prop 8 will be an amendment to the state constitution that says, "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." This is a complex issue, one to which I have given much thought and pondering. I have gay friends who I honor and admire although don't agree with their practices. I believe that their union is entitled to many of the same rights. In California they currently have all "rights, protections and benefits of matrimony." Prop 8 won't take any of those away, however, it will define that marriage is between one man and one woman. I believe that there has to be an ideal. I believe it is important and my responsibility is to teach my children to be tolerant and loving to all people, no matter their background, choices or lifestyle. This is an issue I wish to teach to my children how and when I want, without undermining my religious beliefs. Please look at the following link to show how Prop 8 could affect that choice and the rights and values our children will have to learn. I hope all you Californians will go out and VOTE YES on Prop 8. Register and vote. Get your absentee ballot and vote. Spread the word to other Californians to vote.

Please look at this blog to see how this decision is affecting other states.


Common Sense Crusader said...

Not only does your post perpetuate intolerance and promote a violation of civil rights, the video link is completely and totally fallacious. As a credentialed teacher and educator of teaching credential candidates, I can state with authority that the video link you posted is nothing more than erroneous, hysterical propaganda. Not one word in Proposition 8 mentions education, and no child can be forced, against the will of their parents, to be taught anything about health and family issues at school: California law prohibits it. A Sacramento Superior Court judge has already ruled that this claim by the proponents of Proposition 8 is “false and misleading." Perhaps you should do a little research into educational policy and the California educational standards before jumping to conclusions about what is happening in our schools.

ChrisnDave said...

Heidi - just one more reason why I'm homeschooling my kids!!! Want to join the co-op Amy and I are planning??? :)

Anonymous said...


Please check out:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your views. I happen to agree with you on this issue. And having known you for a short while, I know you are not in any way intolerant. Again, thanks for sharing your views.

Anonymous said...

The intolerance I've noticed seems to be one sided on this issue. That is, the people who are voting NO have no tolerance for those who vote YES.

Hyrum said...

Thanks for sharing your beliefs Heidi.

Unknown said...

Dear Heidi,

I am so very sorry to hear that you feel this way. It absolutely breaks my heart to hear that your actions, when you heard that we had married, after 27 years of being together, and when our son so joyfully told you about our marriage, were completely false.

Frankly, I'm crushed.

You're simply wrong about the rights being the same with domestic partnership. You should take the time to educate yourself before you vote to take away civil rights from a minority group. I would certainly take the time before I voted to take away civil rights from any minority. How is this any different from miscenation laws? You're being misled.

The only way to be sure is to do the research yourself and to look at all sources. Do not trust the information that being given to you by third parties.

It's always so difficult to lose a friend, but frankly, someone who would vote away my civil rights wasn't really a friend anyway.


susan said...

God ordained marriage between man and woman from the beginning of time. There has always been other kinds of sexual unions or preferences throughout time. Some maybe could have even displayed more respect or kindness in their relationship than some marriages.

I don't believe God ordains abusive marital relationships. I believe a marriage where a Mom and Dad love each other is the ideal situation for children. Men and women have different strengths.

I like your point Heidi that their should be some kind of ideal to strive for and I believe ideals are exactly what God gives us when he sets forth commandments and what he has taught us throughout history and what he ordains. We live in a world that is not always ideal for children with divorce, death, abuse, etc. I am aware of this. I am grateful our government keeps this in mind and provides other opportunities where children can be raised and taught by other adults or situations that can provide a loving home environment.

I am grateful to live in such a strong, blessed, and free country where we can have freedom of speech, religion, etc. I am also very grateful to have the security of having a country that was created under God. That doesn't force religious practices, but esteems some key universal non-denominational God intended laws. I believe this protects and strengthen our nation. I would hate to see the time when that comes in question (under God) and when religious beliefs might be compromised from government positions. I am grateful to have the right to vote and not have that right taken away by a few judges, governors, presidents, whatever. I am grateful to have a government that provides means for tolerance, compassion, and responsibility to all humankind.

I am voting yes on Prop 8 for a few reasons, but most importantly because I believe there is an ideal set out there that has been traditionally known throughout time. I believe all humankind are given challenges for a reason and as we strive for ideals, our lives will eventually be blessed as well as our country (maybe in this life or the next). I also believe it is my responsibility to be kind, tolerant, and compassionate to all humankind while standing up for my freedoms and not undermining pertinent beliefs for my family and I believe our nation. And luckily that right is given to all of us in America.

Lastly, I believe that even though I have vastly different views/beliefs than some of my neighbors, friends and even family members I care about who live alternate lifestyles we can still enjoy having fun, respectful, and loving relations together.

Anonymous said...

Fiction: Prop 8 doesn’t discriminate against gays.

Fact: Prop 8 is simple: it eliminates the rights for same-sex couples to marry. Prop 8 would deny equal protections and write discrimination against one group of people—lesbian and gay people—into our state constitution.

Fiction: Teaching children about same-sex marriage will happen here unless we pass Prop 8.

Fact: Not one word in Prop 8 mentions education, and no child can be forced, against the will of their parents, to be taught anything about health and family issues at school. California law prohibits it, and the Yes on 8 campaign knows they are lying. Sacramento Superior Court Judge Timothy Frawley has already ruled that this claim by Prop 8 proponents is “false and misleading.” The Orange County Register, traditionally one of the most conservative newspapers in the state, says this claim is false. So do lawyers for the California Department of Education.

Fiction: Churches could lose their tax-exemption status.

Fact: Nothing in Prop 8 would force churches to do anything. In fact, the court decision regarding marriage specifically says “no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs.”

Fiction: A Massachusetts case about a parent’s objection to the school curriculum will happen here.

Fact: Unlike Massachusetts, California gives parents an absolute right to remove their kids and opt-out of teaching on health and family instruction they don’t agree with. The opponents know that California law already covers this and Prop 8 won’t affect it, so they bring up an irrelevant case in Massachusetts.

Fiction: Four Activist Judges in San Francisco…

Fact: Prop 8 is not about courts and judges, it’s about eliminating a fundamental right. Judges didn’t grant the right, the constitution guarantees the right. Proponents of Prop 8 use an outdated and stale argument that judges aren’t supposed to protect rights and freedoms. This campaign is about whether Californians, right now, in 2008 are willing to amend the constitution for the sole purpose of eliminating a fundamental right for one group of citizens.

Fiction: People can be sued over personal beliefs.

Fact: California’s laws already prohibit discrimination against anyone based on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. This has nothing to do with marriage.

Fiction: Pepperdine University supports the Yes on 8 campaign.

Fact: The university has publicly disassociated itself from Professor Richard Peterson of Pepperdine University, who is featured in the ad, and has asked to not be identified in the Yes on 8 advertisements.

Fiction: Unless Prop 8 passes, CA parents won’t have the right to object to what their children are taught in school.

Fact: California law clearly gives parents and guardians broad authority to remove their children from any health instruction if it conflicts with their religious beliefs or moral convictions.

Anonymous said...

Please read:

"A Commentary on the Document ... Six Consequences of Proposition 8 Fails" by Morris Thurston. Thurston received his undergraduate degree in political science from BYU and his law degree from Harvard. He is an active member of the LDS church.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for listing the dentists. At least I know of 2 homophobic bigoted dentists to avoid

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