Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Reminder to Be Grateful

We are approaching Tyler's 1st birthday which is filled with indescribable emotions. We have witnessed tender mercies of the Lord, miracles, answers to prayers, realized how many wonderful friends we have and felt so lucky to be parents to such a remarkable, special baby. Along with those feelings also came numerous days of feeling helpless, pain, sleep deprivation and heartache to see your child endure so much. Others sometimes express how Tyler reminds them to be grateful for their healthy children. Don't get me wrong, that is a great blessing, however, we feel incredibly blessed for Tyler and his heart. Today was a great example of how he has transformed me. Tyler hasn't been feeling well, had a fever last night and has just been off. The doctors fit me in at 11AM. Instead of being frustrated my little guy was sick and my Saturday plans to attend a shower and go shopping were dismissed, I was grateful! I was grateful doctors were able to see us on a 3 day weekend. Grateful I didn't have to go to the Emergency Room. Grateful to be a mom to two incredible boys. I was reminded of so many who long to be parents. We waited patiently for the doctors, lab techs, x-ray techs and pharmacy. Instead of getting frustrated or waiting to get out of there, I cherished the day with my boys. We colored, played trains, made paper balls and tossed them into the stroller, read and I enjoyed being a mom. I enjoyed not having other distrations. I enjoyed sitting in the doctors office with my two boys. All my energy was on them. Don't get me wrong, it is emotionally exhausting watching the baby get blood drawn, be uncomfortable, seeing low sats, worried doctors, x-ray restraints but you just continue on. I was so appreciative of how much Scott helped and how good he was. Tyler was sleeping, we were waiting for lab results and I told Scott we would have a special lunch date. He wanted a burrito, so we walked to the burrito place which sadly didn't accept checks. I felt so bad for Scott. I left and explained to him we would come back later. The man in back of me came outside and handed me $20. I insisted on writing him a check, but of course he wouldn't take it. It was one of those reminders that there are good people out there, people watching out for you, people who the Lord places in your path to help make your burden a little lighter. Before Tyler I would have had a hard time taking his money, however, now I realize that is what life is all about. Serving and allowing others to serve you (which is often harder). The man had no idea about my day. He just could see that I had a little boy who wanted a burrito and a place that didn't accept checks. I am grateful for people like that. People who remind me to be a little kinder and the importance of little acts of kindness. His kindness was so much more than $20. We were there for 4 1/2 hours and came to the conclusion that Tyler has a bad ear infection in 1 ear, staph infection and slight pneumonia. When immunocompromised children get sick they are sometimes just too weak to fight off routine colds. He is on medication and I know he will be feeling better soon. Thank you to all doctors and nurses who help make our days a little easier.


Amy said...

Heidi, I know exactly what you mean about feeling grateful. It's weird how things that seem, on the surface, to be something that would make you distinctly un-grateful, can have the opposite effect. I'm glad it's nothing too serious with Tyler and will add him in my prayers tonight.

ChrisnDave said...

Shoot, Amy beat me to the comments again! It really is amazing how many generous, thoughtful strangers there are out there - especially when little kids are involved - we were so spoiled by strangers when we were traveling in the Middle East. And neighbors three streets up that I've never even met are always coming by to drop of high chairs, car seats, toys, etc for Rio. Its so humbling.

Julia M. said...

Heidi, your wisdom amazes me. I'm glad you were able to cherish the day and have such amazing experiences. How nice of that man to give you $20. I hope Tyler gets better soon!

Jill said...

Thanks for sharing...your example strengthens me!! Amen, thank heavens there are still good and willing people that serve others still.

Heather said...

What a great story. Tyler is so lucky to have you as his mom. There couldn't be a better match. It truly was made in heaven.

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.