Wednesday, August 13, 2008


How this works...Choose 10 (or as many) people in your life who make you better for the following reasons. Send it to the 10 people who you chose. Than have them send it to 10 inspiring friends.
Faith Promoting

Elder & Hermana Bowen (my mission president). I am grateful for your examples. You truly helped mold me into the mom, wife and friend I am today

Everyday Martha Stewart

Lillie. You are so talented. I love your house and photos.

Kind to our Earth

Christi and Amy. Infant potty training takes the cake.

Ability to Always Make you Laugh (Even when you should be crying)

Heather Nelson you are blessed with this gift. Remind me to wear diapers while talking to you

Fills the World with Great Art

Victory Nichols I love your photos, pots, view of life through art.

Amazing Parents

Mom & Dad. You live a life of selflessness to me and my family.

Full of Patience & Kindness

Krissy. You emulate kindness in all your actions

Roxanne & Althea. A mother & daughter who always looked and treated others with love.

Always has a Glass Half Full

Jenny Sorenson. You remind me to be grateful

Spreader of Sunshine

Katherine Foulger. I still often think of you and instantly feel happy.

Makes Everyone Feel Great

Heather & Jason...there couldn't be a kinder couple.

True Friends

The Pentlands. We are lucky to have you in our lives.

Makes you a better person.

My husband. I love you!!

"To be a friend means encourage strengths in others and accepting their weaknesses; in other words, accepting them for who they are." Catherine Pulsifer


Jacquie said...

The 1st thing I always do when I wake up in the morning before I go to work is catch up on your latest blog. This was so special to read - you should be an author and write a book or send this to the paper. It would be a best seller...many people would realize that happiness is brought by simple things in our life (always taught by Grandma). Friendship is a beautiful gift in life and you are blessed with a loving family and so many special friends. Love, Mom
p.s. I'm going to complete the TAG and send it off to friends and family.

Amy said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out, sweet girl:) You would be number one on my list for "spreads sunshine!"

Lillie said...

What a sweet sweet post. I'm so with you on what you wrote above---I've never appreciated girlfriends as much as I do now. I've realized that there are so many different relationships that make your life full. (And that my marriage is happier when I don't expect Ross to be a girl on top of everything else:).) SO honored to be part of your tag-- thank you for the delightful surprise :) My next post will be this TAG.

Alix Allocco said...

I like this a lot!! What a nice way to show your appreation for the "great" people in your life.


Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.