Friday, August 8, 2008

The Future

People often ask us what our plans are for the future. How do you answer that?!? I think to myself, "What plans do you want to know about?" Believe me, I am someone who loves to know what comes next in my life. Part of me would love a magic 8 ball that could show me glimpses of the future. Well, let me just tell you, that magic 8 balls doesn't exist in my life. It is good to plan, prepare and dream, however, it is impossible when you are establishing your little family, starting your professions, realizing what even brings fulfillment or what your talents are, and striving to find that perfect balance. I have learned the importance of being flexible. The importance of allowing your spouse to find fulfillment. My outlook on succes is constantly shifting from the worldly view of awards, prestige and wealth to things that bring true happiness and fulfillment. Success to me is having a stable marriage, loving your children, finding professions that are fulfilling, an atmosphere where you can strive and better yourself, friends and family. The great thing about life is that we strive for these things more and more each day. So what does the future have in store for us?? Here are some of our dreams. Someday Danny wants to start a dental practice, I want to establish a swim school or something that allows me to be with the kids more, teach children to find self-worth and success and allows me to make meaningful friendships. We want to have more kids (2-4 more is what we are thinking), we want to own a house, rent our condo, I want to research my family genealogy, Danny wants to improve his photography, we want to be more involved with CHD, we want to make deep and meaningful friendships, we want our family to grow closer to Christ, I want to go another mission to a far away country. Hmmm...what else, what else? I want to write a book or books someday about life experiences, Tyler, marriage topics, etc. That would be fun. Realistically, we will see what actually comes to be but it is fun to dream for now. What hinders all of this? Timing. My inability to just do. I am working on that. Hope you enjoyed some of my deep thoughts for the day. What are your aspirations? It is fun to write them down and laugh years later when you realize everything, nothing or a little bit came to pass.


Julia M. said...

I love your deep thoughts, Heidi. I am so glad that you are so happy right now. It's hard to plan for the future, but I hope all your dreams come true! Do we get to see you in Utah next week? I sure hope so!

liz said...

i love this topuc- it's the first thing you and I talked about when we met at cindy's and I wanted to keep talking for hours.

I love that you don't stop dreaming, too often we get caught up in mundane and stop dreaming.

it's hard to remember - for me- that it's okay if it's not the time or season for me to take up another dream on the list RIGHT NOW, but important for me to keep the list going and shuffling it around and getting ready for what I want to learn/ do next so when it is the right season I don't miss it.

p.s. we are in AZ now, sorry we didn't get to have a goodbye swim!!!

Heart Mommy said...

If your in town, we gotta get together...Isn't it amazing how sometimes your dreams reach out to just a simple week or maybe a day or two... Sometimes our dreams or hopes for the future rest in an hour... I am so excited to see those things come to pass... I am even more excited to DREAM for things I thought would never happen... HUrray.. Great job Heidi....

Amy said...

Heidi, it was great to hear from you. Your children are beautiful. It looks like life is going well.

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.