Sunday, June 23, 2024

Rudgear Rats & Ladies Night Out

We swam the Rats on a 90degree day.  Always the best for swim meets. Coach Nick, one of my faves, showed up in style of the Woodlands Coaches with their fanny packs, shades and power pellets. It was such a compliment.  Scott would be proud!   I decided to do a last minute coaches relay before the 6&Under relays which was a highlight for the kids to watch. I went off the diving board to try to beat Mason which didn't give me enough advantage.  We chose to do 8x25 with the Rats and WST A-lay did 4x50. The rats took it but Mason made sure we knew they did Afterwards a northgate teammate who was on Terapins came up to me and I would have never recognized his transformation.  Steve made me so happy to see him and catch up!  Decked out, full energy, so much fun!  I told him I loved Steve2.0 and got to meet his sweet kids. He is a anethesiologist at UCSF specializing in pediatric crazy is that!  Such a small world! Such a fun part of our swim community!

That night Alice hosted ladies night out for the WST ladies which was a lot of fun. While I was hanging out with the ladies, Blake was at Nicholas B-day party and had a great time!  It was Heather Farms Inflatables followed by a sleepover. He came home so happy to be included and felt like a million dollars this week since he had two birthday parties.  He made a comment about how he is never invited to things in his 'friend' group at school which I have been trying to tell him to find a new group and so I was able to have an awesome conversation with him about expanding his friend groups and he was really receptive after this week.  That might all change tomorrow or next week but I am learning as a mom to allow life to teach certain lessons and when they do, to remind your kids of those lessons in the moment.  

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