WST vs. Walnut Creek Swim Team and Rancho San Miguel

 On Wednesday we swam against Rancho San Miguel, directed by Christian Rasmussen.  

The coaches McMillan

Coach Christian helped Hanna overcome her fear of the water.  

Scott coaching with his friends, Jacob and Zach

This morning we swam against Walnut Creek Swim Team at Larkey Park.  Kira got 1st in all of her events:
200 yard medley relay: 2:24.68
50 yard free:  29.51
50 yard back: 35.58
200 yard free relay: 2:07.47

Hanna's first ever 25 butterfly!  Apparently she finished with a one hand touch and was disqualified.  Ha ha!  Still impressive for a four year old.  She got 53.52 in the 25 back.  

Blake's 200 yard medley got 1st, 2:37.34; 

2nd in 100 IM with 1:29.26, 

1st in 50 yard back, 40:09, 

2nd in 50 fly, 38.66; 

and his 200 free relay got first, 2:22.66.

Everyone loves Hanna and makes sure she gets lots of love and cheers

Tyler swam in the 200 yard medley relay.

2nd place, 2:15.16

50 free:  4th place, 29.09

200 yard free relay: 2nd place, 1:57.82

Parker swam in the 100 yard medley relay.

1st place, 1:33.46

25 yard free: 4th place, 21.65

25 yard fly: 4th place, 26.73

100 yard free relay: 3rd place, 1:29.50

Teddy, her biggest cheerleader
I was just happy that Parker swam all of his events.  He put up quite a fuss on Wednesday and absolutely refused to swim the butterfly.  I bribed him with a snow cone.  Still no.  I said, "Fine, clean this all up."  

"Okay, I'll swim."  I told him if he popped his time that he could get a candy.  He did not pop his time but he did get his snow cone.  

Scott is at a meet with the Aquabears in Santa Clara.  I thought I could look up his data on meet mobile but it has not been updated.  The unofficial time for his 100 meter freestyle was 53.56, only a tenth slower than Zach.  100 meters is 109 yards.  Okay, time to hang up the wash.  


DavidandJuliann said…
Wow! Those are incredible times! What an accomplished family!

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