Kids this fall

Scott's doing public school through zoom.  He wakes up early for 7:00 seminary.  If he finishes his schoolwork, piano, chores and cleans his room, I let him play Minecraft until 9:00 pm.   

Blake's getting into Minecraft too.  He got himself a mouse just for Minecraft.  

Cold cereal and his phone.  Tyler used to antagonize Heidi and the other kids until we signed him up for public school through zoom.  Now he stays up in his room with his laptop and things are more peaceful at home.  

Hanna striking a pose. 

So stinking cute!  

Mister is so peaceful when he's asleep.  Otherwise he's volume 10, 100 mph, all day.

Hanna with the Dover bar

Heidi started a water polo clinic at Woodlands.  Over 60 kids signed up!

We got lots of tomatoes this summer and fall.  We did heirloom, salsa, and roma.  The heirlooms were real meaty, some over 2 lbs.  
Okay, bye.  


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