Living the dream

We finally got the fire pit that Heidi wanted and lit it up last night.  This is living.  It's like coming home from work to a vacation home, except that it's our home.  It's nice.   

A great thing about Walnut Creek is that it cools off at night. 

Hanna is growing right up but still doesn't talk much.  She can say a few words but can't put together a sentence.  She can get what she wants by pointing and screaming. 

Mister roasting marshmallows on the fire

Scott's about as tall as I am.  He won "best hair" at Adams Middle School and was excited about that. 
 Blake makes a s'more

Hanna likes having her picture taken. 

It's nice having a home that Heidi says is her "forever" home.  I wouldn't mind living here forever but I bet we downsize when we're old.  Even still, now I can get a mantle clock.  I want one with a mechanical movement.  Before, my budget was $30 and you can't get much for that.   Now my budget is higher but I want to wait for the right one. 

Okay, bye. 


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