Volleyball & extracurricular activities

Scott is doing volleyball for the first time ever.  Last year he broke his arm in October and as soon as it was healed was diagnosed with Severs Disease.  Last year was the year that he wanted to do nothing.  It was frustrating because I felt like he was missing out on all these amazing opportunities to learn and grow but chalked it up to the life of a pre-teen and realized to let him relax a bit which never happens in our home.  It is hard being injured when you are so used to being active.

We did a lot of talking about talents and utilizing your time to grow and improve and become the best person you can become.  He is in creative dramatics and was disappointed when he found out the teacher wanted him to play the piano AND sing.  He wanted to just sit there and not sing.  After a couple of weeks, it is no longer his least favorite class and while he isn't thrilled about singing, he is getting warmed up to the idea.

He decided to go out for the volleyball team.  He volunteered at a lot of girls games last year and had fun playing after the games.  I was proud of him for doing something new.  It helps that pretty much everyone is new to the sport.  His elementary school friends are on the team so it will be good for him to reunite with old friends.  They lost the first game so decided to go play at the park last night across the street which was fun.  Proud of them for trying to improve and learn.  He came home with blisters on his feet from wearing vans. I told him we need to go shopping but life is busy.  I think volleyball is such a great sport to learn. It is a great sport to play with friends, at the beach, at parks. 

He then said he was going to do cross country.  He loves running with Eric but has not been stoked about running for middle school so that made me happy.  He is such a talented runner but takes it too serious so hopefully he does it and has fun and doesn't put pressure on himself.

He is trying out for drumline with Tyler which I am proud of them for doing.  We shall see if they make it. That is tomorrow.

He is also going to do an afterschool Gate program.  He doesn't have a ton of close friends who made Gate but has some great friends who he has gotten to know through field trips and school math groups.  The first quarter is creative writing and poetry which I thought he would definitely not want to do but he asked me to sign him up.

I chalk this all up to maturity or divine intervention.

Way to Go Scott.  We are proud of you for trying new things and utilizing your time and talents!


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