Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Hanna Ruth

Hanna is 6.5 months. I can't believe how fast the months have gone.  She is an absolute angel.  Sometimes people post that or say that about their baby, but she really is.  I have thought about what makes her the easiest baby.  Some of it is relativity.  A 6th baby everything is second nature.  You go to the store with a spare diaper in the car and the easiest thing is your baby.  Some of it might be I yearned for her and prayed for her and thought I would never have her.  She is a miracle.  Some of it might be that my last baby was born at a time when life was so physically and emotionally busy with being a caretaker for my mom and dad.  I think those things all attribute to the ease of her, however, she is just the best.  An absolute angel who I love being with and caring for all the time.  She sleeps though the night, rocks herself in her carseat, comes with me wherever I go and very rarely cries.  I am so grateful!  I love her so much!  She is just starting to try to army crawl to her destination which is usually a toy on the ground.  Not a baby toy, but something she can play with like a scooter wheel or nerf gun that a sibling left out.  She gives the biggest smiles.  Anyone who looks or smiles at her is sure to get a big grin back.  People just love it.  Strangers just look at her and are filled with her big grin.  It exuberates happiness.  I hope she has that in life.  I have thought about gifts and one thing that I am so grateful for is that I love being around people and generally love life.  Don't get me wrong in that I don't love the moments of kids fighting or piles of wash or cleaning my home for the millionth time.  Those moments unravel me but for the most part I am so grateful for life and the adventure of life.  I hope she has that.  For now, we are so filled by her.  Love her so much!  So grateful for our caboose.  Miracle from heaven.


DavidandJuliann said...

Wow, sounds like Hannah is a great baby.

Chelle said...

She is soooo adorable!! That smile is def contagious!

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.