Saturday, September 9, 2017

My new lens, part 2

I finally, after ten years of talking about it, got the Canon 70-200L ii 2.8 IS lens!  The big, heavy, white sports lens that the pros and the paparazzi use.  I am stoked.  Here are just a few photos of its results.  First, though, I have to talk about how I view quality photos vs. how Heidi sees them.  I look at the composition, clarity, color, bokeh.  Heidi just looks at the person's expression.  I agree that it's important to capture a good expression, but sometimes the person just won't do the gesture you're looking for.  So then you rely on the quality of your glass.  I actually like Scott's and Mister's expressions.

Maybe you can't see the difference in clarity between this lens and the lower-tiered 75-300, but if you zoom all the way in, you can see the individual eyelashes.  Impressive.  Kira was at gymnastics when I took these.  Maybe tomorrow when we're all dressed for church.  Okay, bye.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Whoaaa exciting! The pics look awesome. Sadly, these days I use my phone for 97% of my pics. It's just easier.

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.