Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hanna's Blessing

Hanna was blessed this weekend in church.  September 24th by her dad. It was a simple and beautiful blessing.  The kids were all excited for the blessing which is refreshing because lately they are not excited for the others things much.  Tyler and Blake both sweetly said before church they couldn't wait for the blessing.  We are always running to church but before church was actually relaxing.  I am usually getting things together for my lesson, but spent a day during the week prepping for class so i didn't have to do it on Sunday.  Danny leaves early to get ready for primary and get us a seat which is awesome.  It means we get to sit in the front in the pews.  The kids still have a long way to go with reverence but definitely better in the front then back of the church.

Parker fell asleep on the way to church which was so nice, Blake sat with the needhams which is amazing.  I am going to see if he can sit with them every week.  Game changer! He is so good if he is removed from his siblings.  Scott, Tyler and Kira were within normal limits.  We had a relatively relaxing sacrament. I fed the baby before church and she even slept for the beginning and her blessing.

Danny's parents came into town.  Danny, Glen, Devin Blodgett, Mike Nielsen, Jeremy Roos and Matt Needham were in the circle.  We thought our bishop would stand in but apparently we forgot to formally invite him.  I noticed it and wanted to point to him to go up, Danny didn't even know who came up but oh well.

Danny gave a beautiful, sweet blessing.  It talked about how Hanna would have a strong faith in our Savior, his atonement, be an example and bring many to the waters of baptism.  Know how much her parents loved her and be able to come to them with any questions or concerns.  It talked about how she would be strong spiritually with a deep faith of our Savior. It was beautiful and I was touched.

I had the opportunity to bear my testimony and was so touched about what a miracle she was and going to go up and talk about the miracle and love of our Savior to give us another sweet girl.  The love I have for the priesthood and my family.  However, I got up and it turned into sharing my love for my ward family.  How grateful I was for the peace, help and devotion they have been to our family over the years.  I was touched by so many tender mercies and the love of our Savior.  Baby blessings are beautiful.  The spirit was so strong.  I am grateful for fasting.  It really does strengthen you spiritually.

I know life will not always be easy for Hanna but with a love and reminder of the Savior, it will always work out.  What a blessing to have her in our life!  I am just so grateful for her.

She is doing well.  She always looks like she is in distress with her furrowed brow and concerned face.  It is scrunchy and serious and concerned.  It makes me smile.  I call her my grumpy old man.

I couldn't find my christening dress.  I am certain it is somewhere.  After going to 5 stores with the kids on Friday night, I gave up and decided she could just wear a white little sundress we had.  I ended up asking Kim and she let us borrow her blessing dress which was beautiful.  It made me grateful for great examples in my life and in my children's life.  It really made an impact on me of how important your ward family is and the circle of friends you have to help raise your children.  I really wanted a dress of her and Hanna but by the time I got out of church it was too late.

Danny took pictures after church which I am so grateful for.  I LOVE them!  I can't wait to put them up in our kitchen wall.  The most important thing I got from my parents home were 6 picture frames that hung above there bed.  I put it in our kitchen with pics from our kids an it means so much to me. 

The boys had the Sunday hypers running around like crazy boys.  Blake was angry, Parker just like running on the grass.  Kira was drama but we sat on the grass on a beautiful day and eventually people listened and we got great pictures thanks to Danny.  He got a new lens that he loves and I now love because I get these great pictures of my kids.  The photo session and photos bring me great memories. The Northgate ward would always stay on the grass afterwards and congregate for 30 minutes or more. Our ward doesn't do that.  Everyone is busy to get home.  It is nice to not be needed anywhere and just be able to sit or take all the time you need for a photo.  There was a moment I thought we needed to get the photo done before all meltdowns occurred and Hanna got hungry, then I realized to just chill and play with Blake on the grass collecting pokey balls which was the little seeds from the tree. He calmed down and we had fun collecting leaves and pokey balls we were going to go home and do marble painting and make paint prints with.  He was excited and sadly we put them down the photo, forgot them and had to do marble painting with gumballs instead.  He loved it because they did it in school.  Next week we will collect again.

It was nice having Glen and Janine in for the weekend.  The kids only see them 2-3 times a year so it is always special for them.  They come out for baptisms and baby blessings so next time they come will probably be for Kira's baptism next year.  We go to Utah for Thanksgiving and summer reunion.  Sometimes I go during one of our kids breaks.  Maybe I will do that again.  On Saturday, Scott had Scouts and Tyler had a party at Water World so Blake and Kira got quality time with Grammy and Grampy and I could tell LOVED it!  We played on bikes, they jumped on the trampoline and played board games.  No big production but exactly what my kids needed.  On Sunday, they enjoyed playing hide and seek. I used to feel like we needed to go and do something but now I realize when we have 2 days to hang out, the kids just want to spend time with them.  Very grateful for there sacrifice to come out and be with the Danny and the kids.  Here are some pics....


Julia M. said...

What a lovely family. I'm so happy for you. I love baby blessings, too. We have only had serious, scrunch-faced babies. I think it's a McMillan gene. :)

Chelle said...

Looove these pics!!! And wow...what a neat blessing. Gave me chills. It will be fun to see what Miss Hanna does in her life!

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.