Friday, July 10, 2015

Annual McMillan Family Reunion

This year we went to southern California.  My parents rented a big home in Anaheim.  It was pretty sweet because there was a pool with a lazy river and slide.  The kids occupied themselves for hours.  Sadly, I don't have any pictures of it.  All of my sibs and their kids went, so that was cool.

We spent the night in Anaheim at some 1.5 star hotel.  It was actually pretty good, especially since we got waffles at continental breakfast.  Then we went to the Huntington Beach parade, which is some huge 4th of July celebration.  We had to park in the garage at $27, and we thought that with a handicapped placard that we could get it for $8.  Well, I figured it was less stressful to just pay that fee than search around looking for the $8 garage when there were cars and pedestrians swarming around everywhere.  

The weather was overcast for a while and then when the sun came out, it warmed right up and we went to the beach. The water was 61 but felt like 68 and Adam and I boogie boarded for a few hours.

Sunday we went to church in San Clemente and I ran into one of my mission companions who was visiting from Chicago.  Small world!

Then we went to San Diego for the Mormon Battalion center.  It was like a visitors center with sister missionaries and couples missionaries giving tours.  The AV was pretty impressive.  Here, Tyler was selected to be a volunteer to dress up with his stripes and gun.

Outside there was a flume for panning for gold.  Apparently, the Mormons stumbled into a huge claim but left it behind to return to their families.  This is just iron pyrite.

On to the San Diego temple.  Scott liked that it was real white.

Monday we chilled at the lazy river and then went to Newport beach in the afternoon.  When we went last year, the water was warm and the waves were good.  This year, it was cold and the waves were few and far between.  They seemed to come in threes.  We still caught the waves and rode them in.

Scott or Tyler caught a crab and were pretty enamored by it.

On Tuesday we went to Legoland.  Heidi had talked to some people who were stoked about it, but I went in with low expectations based on what Seth had said.  I don't think we're going to go again because the rides are targeted to kids 4-5 years old and other than watch, there's not much for the parents to do.  The kids had a good time, though, even Scott, who said it was more for younger kids.

Lindsey made everyone Lego shirts that said on the back, "Everything is Awesome."

Admittedly, the lego cities were impressive.  Some of the buildings used 700,000 bricks.

On Wednesday, Heidi and Scott did a group surf lesson that she found through groupon.  I opted to not do it since I already know how to surf and someone had to watch the baby.  Well, Scott picked it right up and caught a couple of good waves.  He liked that the wetsuit kept him warm.

Since it was a group lesson, the students had to take turns with the instructors and Scott kept busy on the boogie board, which, ultimately, he liked more.

Heidi really enjoyed the wetsuit too.

Somehow she landed on the board as it contacted the ocean floor and believes she cracked a rib.  Maybe.  I can remember getting pounded against the floor in Monterey when I surfed with Seth.  The ocean is real powerful.

Action shot of Scott going down after a pretty sweet ride.

Twas cold for us on the shore.

On our way home we stopped at the Los Angeles temple and visitors center.  It was nice.  I haven't been there since 1998 when we flew in from the MTC to pick up our visas for Spain.

Scott took the above picture.  Check out the upset Tyler off to the right.

The kids were not exactly angels on the car ride home and Heidi and I both had headaches.  Still, we made it without any catastrophes.  Now it's back to the grind!


Julia M. said...

Looks like an awesome trip! We just spent a week in Newport and it was FREEZING the entire time.. Next time we'll come visit you guys. Your children are all so beautiful!

Chelle said...

So great to hang out with you guys! I got a couple pics of the house on Jared's phone. NOt the greatest, but better than nothing. I think we should all do the drop box thing again so we can see everyone's pics. I got some fun ones of you and Jared body surfing or whatever you call that. Boogie boarding? p.s. do you know who took the group pic at Legoland??

DavidandJuliann said...

Fun memories! We had so much fun with you guys! Can't want for next year. Love you guys!

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