Thursday, May 29, 2014

Memorial day photo shoot

Here are the results of our photo session with the big didge and the timer/tripod setup.  I'm pleased about my 50 mm lens even though beyond about 6 feet the focusing isn't always on.  The 28-135 lens is much more reliable but the color and contrast aren't as good as the 50.  

Tyler has a great on-cue smile.  I'm glad his teeth are doing better and people still comment on the color of his eyes.  

Scott was more interested in exploring the creek than doing pictures but he gaves us a few good portraits.

Woulda been nice to get Blakey smiling in this one, but this was the best we got.  Again, a bad photo is better than no photo.  He had fallen asleep in the van and it was hot out, so pictures weren't his top priority.

It's easy to critique your own work.  But you know what?  All of our eyes are open and our expressions are within normal limits.

So that's what we got.  Could a professional have done better?  Who knows?  When I judge photos, I look at the sharpness, bokeh, color, and contrast.  Heidi looks at the expressions of the people and the composition.  I think a lot of luck and patience are needed to capture good expressions and we were running low on both.


Chelle said...

The pics look great! Tyler really does have a great smile. And I loved the one of all 3 boys sitting right by each other. Are you guys coming to Bear Lake?

Heather said...

Great pics Danny! You got lots of nice ones. Great colors and background.

Janine said...

These are SO DARLING!! How can I get a copy of them for my wall and sofa table?

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.