Monday, March 11, 2013

A Dentist

Tyler cried out in the night for me to sleep with him.  This almost never occurs, as he always cries for Mommy.  I went in his bedroom and got under his sleeping bag and fell asleep.  Tyler's bed has quite a nice mattress, so sleeping in it is not so bad.

In the middle of the night, he said, "Daddy, I want to be a dentist, just like you."  I asked him some other questions and he seemed coherent, so the next morning, I said, "Still want to be a dentist?"

He scowled and grunted.


Healthysmiles said...

I would like to say thank you for an interesting post about a subject I have had an interest in for a while now. I have been lurking and reading the comments avidly so just wanted to express my thanks for providing me with some very good reading material. I look forward to more, and taking a more proactive part in the discussions here, whilst learning too!!

Healthysmiles said...

I would like to say thank you for an interesting post about a subject I have had an interest in for a while now. I have been lurking and reading the comments avidly so just wanted to express my thanks for providing me with some very good reading material. I look forward to more, and taking a more proactive part in the discussions here, whilst learning too!!

Healthysmiles said...

I would like to say thank you for an interesting post about a subject I have had an interest in for a while now. I have been lurking and reading the comments avidly so just wanted to express my thanks for providing me with some very good reading material. I look forward to more, and taking a more proactive part in the discussions here, whilst learning too!!

Chelle said...

That is so cute! Sometimes Jared talks to me very coherently, and then the next morning when I ask him about what he was saying he looks at me like I'm daft.

Make a Wish Reveal

Tyler is doing a make a wish trip to Hawaii this year.  We have been so fortunate that for the last 10 years he has been relatively healthy ...