Monday, December 17, 2012

Hospital Panel

I haven't done a teaching panel in a long time mainly because it is harder to get to UCSF with the kids in school. The course was for NICU caretakers.
I always learn so much from hearing other parents experiences and journeys. Each individual has such unique needs. A great nurse or doctor will take time to ask and find out those needs, listen and take time to respond. One parent might relate their pregnancy to an unborn baby while another might never want to face that reality.
Part of the day included a class on spiritual care. We were asked how our religions or faith played or didn't play a role in our journey. It was humbling to reflect on one of my greatest blessings. I am blessed with a knowledge of eternal life and a community that wherever I live provides any type of support our family might need. I simply can't fathom loosing a child without a faith.
A reality of these panels is that so often the families that speak have the coping mechanisms to deal with their very difficult journey. We don't represent, nor should ones journey ever represent another's experience.
If just one person came away realizing that, than I think it was worth it.

1 comment:

cici said...

Remembering Carl Lavar this Christmas.
{{{Hugs to you }}}

Make a Wish Reveal

Tyler is doing a make a wish trip to Hawaii this year.  We have been so fortunate that for the last 10 years he has been relatively healthy ...