Sunday, May 27, 2012


A friend the other day asked me what I wasn't good at so we could become friends.

I could list a lot of things.  Being Passive. Being Patient. Cooking.  Keeping the house clean.  Staying in a routine.  Being Organized.  Sticking to Goals.  Making the Most of my Time.  The English Language.  Spanish.  Writing Thank you Notes.  Singing.  Fashion.  Design.  Mechanics.  Being a Mom.   Making Decisions. Texting.  Facing a Challenge. Keeping in Touch with Old Friends.  Listening. Computers.  Story Telling.  Dancing.  Photography.  Finances.  Taxes.  Learning New Things.

While there are a ton of things I really need to work on I have a talent of not feeling too bad about my many weaknesses and am filled with gratitude that I have an eternity to get better at these things.  Not so sure if that is actually a talent, but I am counting it because it helps me feel good on a daily basis. I have the occasional melt down that I really must do better, which is a good thing and probably should come more often.

I had a really cool epiphany (had to use spell check for that one) when I was reading to the kids from Danny's mission journal and my mission journal.  Danny had these experiences of helping people with cars, mechanics, stereos and music.  The people I helped were usually through just letting them know I thought they were pretty awesome and the Lord loved them.  You see, we reached people in totally different ways.  We helped people in totally different ways.  The Lord wouldn't have used me to fix someone's car because I am no good at that.  We can all be helpful and useful in our own unique ways.  It is good to be different.  It is good not to be good at everything.

While I was horrible at Spanish I was blessed with companions who were awesome at Spanish.  I remember having a brand new companion.  She didn't know Spanish that well, yet rocked at the accent.  We talked to someone at a door and he turned to my companion and asked her what I had just said.  She would repeat my  words with a good accent for them to understand.  It was a humbling experience which taught me that the Lord would always take care of us, and together, we could be an awesome companionship.  Well, those are my thoughts for the night.

And I am currently working on keeping the house clean.  Sadly, as I look to my right I see a bunch of legos and as I look to the left an opened bag of chips.  So in order to stick to my goals, I am signing off to clean my house.

Adios (with a really bad accent that is)

More on Talents

I don't want people to think that I don't think I am good at anything from my last post because I realize I do indeed have talents.  Growing up I was really athletic.  Like the kid who could do any sport and be good at it.  School came easy to me.  I loved getting an education.  I was blessed with great friends throughout my life and hopefully was a good friend back.  It is easy for me to be social and talk to people.  I love the Lord.  I have been blessed with an incredible faith.  I have been blessed with a love and appreciation for life.  I am blessed to be able to see the lessons through the hard times of life and that makes the hard times worth it and essential to my progress.  I have a lot of love for my kids.  I know that amidst my weaknesses and learning as a parent, my kids will always know I loved them and love the Lord which makes me a good parent.  I have a great metabolism  (I don't know if that is a talent because it is totally out of my control, but something my body is good at so I will count it).  I was good at selling things when I was in sales.  I am good at processing my thoughts through writing. I am good at playing with kids.  I became a great swim coach.  I can easily forgive.  I have never felt bad about my looks (probably because the neckgear, headgear, acne and super skinny/flat chested middle-schooler that I was).  I am independent.  I chose a pretty incredible husband to marry.  I can follow a recipe and it usually turns out pretty good. I was a good missionary.  I like to be obedient.  

1 comment:

Dan-o said...

Heidi - you do have a ton of talents that many of us love you for! It is fun to see your personality come out in the blog. You are a great mother and love your kids so much. You care about the things that matter in life and juggle priorities on the things that aren't such a big deal. You are positive in the face of extreme challenges (medical, financial, etc.). You make Danny happy. You guys are pretty amazing to me!

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