Friday, May 25, 2012


May has flown by probably because it has been busy.  I just wish I knew what has been so busy about it.  I wish I didn't have to make so many decisions.  I don't like making decisions.  

Lots of end of the year functions with Scott.  Friends (with like 4-5 kids in school) always tell me how crazy the end of the year is.  I have just one kid and feel like we have had a lot of extra activities.  Can't imagine multiplying that by 4.  Field trip to Smith Family Farm which was so fun, class parties, concerts, awards, mothers day festivities, etc etc.  At Back to School Night Scott wanted to show us everything and yet Kira and Tyler just wanted to go play.  So we finally sent them out the kindergarten playground (which is awesome and all fenced) to give Scott our undivided attention and it worked great.  This is only possible thanks to Kira being independent and Tyler following her lead.  I had Danny go to the baseball end of the year party because I wanted it to be all about Scott instead of having three little ones needing and fighting for our attention and it was the best decision.  Maybe that will be our key to success.  Scott felt special because it was special time with Dad and it was all about him.  

We finally decided to sell our condo.  The one that we bought for over 400,000 back in the height of things that is now worth about 150,000 if we are lucky. After talking to financial advisers we realized it was time to let go and move on.  It got an offer before hitting the market, but we shall see if the banks accept it or not since it is a short sale.  

My mom finished radiation and has had her ups and downs.  In times like this I wish I was closer to just drop by after school and before night activities.  She is being so strong throughout this unimaginably hard time. 

Lots of visits to pre-schools and kindergarten evaluations for Tyler.  Still on the fence as what to do. Having Tyler in school everyday for 4 hours could be really good for him and me. I would repeat kindergarten if we started him this year since he is young and I am sure throughout his elementary years will visit the hospital more than his fair share.  I just wish someone could make the decision for me as to what to do.  Any takers?

Trying to balance swimming and baseball which are two very busy sports.  My mom somehow managed to get me to three sports in one day that as a parent I can't imagine.  I limit it to 1 activity a day.  I heard a parent say they give each child the choice to do 1 sport a year.  Someday maybe I will do that, but I just think that it would be so hard to tell my kids no at something that is so great for them socially and physically.  It will all work out.

Feeling very blessed for where we live.  People are so friendly.  Schools are great and there are lots of kids.  Not to mention, I look out my kitchen window and love to see the golf course.  Not because I like or even know how to golf, but it just brings me peace for some reason.  

Love the gym.  Haven't excercised the past 6 years and I am loving it.  I love that my kids love the childcare and it gives me a much needed break from wiping bums and conversing with children. It is truly filling my well and making me a better person.  

Tons of doctors visits for the baby, Tyler and me.  One thing my kids are good at is going to the doctors.  If I am a mom expert in anything it is going to doctors appts with children. I am leaning towards getting surgery to remove kidney stones.  I wanted them to just blast them but they told me that wasn't a good option for me because I have too many that are too spread out.  It would take a year to get them all.  They said some look too big to pass, however could break apart in time, but the bottom line is that I have a lot to pass and will spend the next who knows how long trying to pass them and being in pain if I don't do anything.  Downside of surgeyr is they can only do one side at a time, can't guarantee getting them, and their are associated risks with the procedure and going under.  We shall see.  Got the non-hormone IUD and hoping it didn't rupture my uterus this time.  So far loving it!  Not like the last IUD that made me hormonally crazy.  Blakey is doing well and growing up.  Love his smiles.  Love how easy going he is.  Thank goodness!
Tyler goes in for surgery on Tuesday to get his fenestration closed.  I feel so blessed that he made it to this point doing fairly well and am so ready for him to have relatively normal oxygen levels.  He has been in the 70's for too long.  We went to the park yesterday with friends and while he just wanted to run around and play street hockey with them his body just couldn't.  So he stayed in the same spot hoping they would make it back to him.  Those moments are sad to see.  Hoping surgery will change that and make his blue lips pink and his body able to do what he wants to do.

 Love our house.  I just wish that it would stay clean for longer.  Why is that so hard.  I work on keeping it clean but it always seems to be destroyed at one point or another throughout the day.  Lots more improvement in that department before we ever decided to move to a bigger place.  Might take years folks.  Alright, that is all for now.  

Time to go pick up Scotty and head to the gym before going to Sacramento for Demolition Derby.


Janelle said...

I loved this post Heidi. So much info. Let me know if there is anything I can do for your mom. I'm sorry for you and for her. You are an expert at kids and doctors. Your town is nice and small houses are good. I hope Tyler's surgeries go well. I don't know what to do about Kindergarden but I figure either choice is good and that's probably why you can't decide. Good luck!

cici said...

If I can add my two sense it is to let Tyler go at his own pace. If he is not ready for kindergarten, then pre-school is the best answer. Holding back can cause little ones to feel bad about themselves and lose some first friends.
I know this because I was held back in First Grade. I went when I was 5 and skipped kindergarten because I wanted to be with my sister so badly. The teasing and feeling "not as smart" as the others did a real number on me throughout my early years.
There is no rush and being older has its advantages.
I know you guys will make the right decision for your little guy and he will do great no matter what, but I wanted to share my thoughts. He is such a cutie pie.

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