Friday, March 23, 2012


Tyler, Kira and Blake had check-ups today so we had our first family adventure as a family with went alright.  It could have been worse.

Since the kids are on spring break and physicals are needed for Kindergarten and 1st grade the place was packed.  They got us in really quickly, pulling my kids away from the Little Mermaid to sit and wait and wait and wait.  If I was smart, I would have sat outside with the Little Mermaid as my babysitter, but I was just not thinking.  Blame it on sleep deprivation.  We played hide in seek with the gloves, read the pamphlet on temper tantrums for Tyler and made up other games.  An hour later, we were seen.

Tyler did awesome until he was the only one that had to get three shots.  Before that he acted like a pro...I wonder why?  He is fine, except for his whole heart thing.

Kira went next.  She did fine.  Doesn't like when she has to lay down but still better than Scott when it comes to doctors.  She is really petite, but I have a feeling that is just her.

Blake went last and the doctor was concerned about his bilirubin so we went downstairs to get labs.  They should be back by now and I should go check my phone to see if we are supposed to bring him in, but I just don't want to. He has another appt tomorrow at 10am so the adventure starts all over.  If the labs look good, I really don't want to go back.  We shall see.

Grateful I got there physicals done for another year.  Except for Blake that is who is on the couple of month schedule for a while.  It is so nice when they turn 2 and don't have to go to so many appts with so many shots.

Thats all folks.  Now I get a little sleep.

1 comment:

cici said...

Ahhh the old bilirubin. Makes them have a glorious tan, doesn't it? Give little Blake lots of water and sunshine (if you can find any.) This might help to keep him away from those hospital photo therapy lights and transfusion. unless it starts reading over 21.
He's a sweetheart,

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.