Thursday, March 8, 2012


This little girl melts my heart.  She is:

Independent. She goes to the bathroom by herself, attempts to wipe herself, finds me to show me her treasures, and then proceeds to empty her toilet into the big potty.  If I try to help, I get yelled at.  I am still unwilling to full on potty train her since she will have accidents when we are out.  She insists on climbing into the car by herself and buckling her carseat which doesn't help us get places on time since she can't get the buckles into the right slots half the time.  

Feisty: She is determined, always full of energy and will not put up with Tyler's attitude.  She will say, "No Tyler.  Bad Tyler." when he is naugthy.

Daddy's girl: She loves her dad.  Today she heard a motorcycle so went outside calling for dad.  Sadly, it wasn't him so she decided to have me call him.  She beams when she talks to him.  Danny started teaching her body parts in spanish this week so she was on the phone and pointing to her mouth saying "boca".  So much more verbal than our boys at this age which is nice since we actually know what she wants. 

Monkey.  She used to pull a chair over to the kitchen counters to get what she wanted...usually sugar related.  Now she somehow manages to climb them on her own.

Jumper.  She will jump from one spot to another instead of walking like a normal person.  She also enjoys jumping off couches and chairs often landing on her butt.  I would think it would be uncomfortable, but she gets up and does it over and over again.

 Finger Sucker.  She is in love with her index finger.

Social.  She will make friends with anyone and everyone.  She loves older girls.  She will often find a 6 or 7 year old girl at the park that will become her friend and thus take care of her for me, push her on the swings, go down the slide with her which I Love since Tyler has been taken all my attention lately.

Tough.  This girl is one tough cookie.

Hyper.  Non stop energy.

Sensitive.  She is so much more sensitive than my boys.  She will cry if she gets locked out of a room or feels left out.  This is why life can be so much harder for girls than boys.

She is pretty much a little me as far as independence and energy goes, but with a much sweeter personality that we can thank Danny for.


Chelle said...

She sounds like such a sweet little thing! I love what she says to Tyler though, ha ha! And she is such a pretty little girl. I'm sure she has you wrapped around her finger! :)

Jacki said...

Oh she is so cute!!!! We miss you guys. Are you in labor? Because if not, we should play. Is there an evening that works best for you guys? We can come to you. Email me!

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.