Monday, November 14, 2011

Milrinone underway

Tyler, Heidi and I went to UCSF Sunday afternoon.  We got a suite in 7 East, like old times, and a lot of things had changed.  First, they don't let you ride the regular elevators to the 6th or 7th floors.  They don't let you use the stairs, either.  Second, there were many different pieces of equipment and color schemes.  I was fascinated by the vein finder, which I discovered, upon scrutiny, was a broad band laser.  It adequately showed the veins in Tyler's hand, but the people still struggled to get a valid IV and had to do five attempts.

Poor Tyler was screaming, "I don't want a shot!  Take it out!  I WANNA GO HOME!"  Eventually he calmed down and the milrinone began pumping.  He watched some DVD's and then it was time for bed. 


DCRomney 2010 said...

Hna, you guys are so tough. I get all teary eyed just reading your blog and its not even a kid I know that well, let alone my own child. That handsome little man will definitely be in my prayers all week. From the sounds of it, he's quite a little fighter... I'm sure he'll do wonderfully!

The Simmons Family said...

I'm so sorry that he had to get poked so much.. that's the worst part!! We are praying the Milrinone does the trick and that Tyler will have a successful surgery!! :)

cici said...

Awww, sorry for the rough start, hopefully everything will go smoothly from here on out.
I'm sure Mom and Dad hurt even more than he does. :(
Sleep well tonight.
Prayers for Mr. T continue.

Katherine Lewis said...

I second Christy. You guys are incredibly tough! You are definitely in our prayers. That little Tyler is blessed to have you for parents. That little guy is so darling and my heart breaks that he has to go through this, but luckily he's got you both!

Chelle said...

Five times?! Oh, that is miserable! Poor little guy! Hopefully it will only be up from here. praying for you guys lots...

Heather said...

Can't imagine how hard it must be to witness your child having to go thru such pain, however he is so lucky to have the 2 of you to be his support and give him love. Big Hugs to Tyler.

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.