Monday, October 10, 2011

Post Op Week 1

This week has been filled with family time. We are trying to take advantage of the time that we have together with Scott on school break and Danny home all day.  While Danny isn't 100% we are still trying to make the most of our time together.  Tyler's upcoming surgery makes our time together even more meaningful and special!  We were blessed to have Danny's dad come into town for a couple of days to help.  He brought the boys fishing two days.  Brother Jeffs brought them out on his boat one day which was a lot of fun.  He cleaned the rugs (wahooo!) and had some quality time with the kiddos.  We are so grateful for his help. 

The update on Danny.  He is doing well.  Much better than last surgery.  He is proud that he can pretty much do all necessary tasks by himself.  He is tolerating his pain.  He rotates oxicodone and Tylenol. He probably takes about 2 pills during the day and 2 at night.  I think he should take more since he had his hip taken apart and screwed back together, but he thinks he is more careless when he is on meds.  Grateful he is doing well.  Scott is our biggest helper.  Tyler doesn't like to help but is being a pretty good boy (for Tyler).  Kira is a lot of work because she wants her dad.  She loves her daddy.  Always had and he just can't take care of her because she doesn't understand his limits.  She has been getting pretty upset.  I think part of it is due to teething as well.  I don't know how single moms do it.  This is hard work taking care of three kiddos and I still have some help from Danny. Gaining empathy for those who have a much harder task than I do.  

Here are our cuties.  #1 Kira. #2 Scott made a jump with the longboard. #3 Scott giving Danny his daily shot. #4 Tyler.  #5 I was so proud of myself for fixing a clogged sink.  The things you can do when your husband is unable to do them.  I didn't realize how simple it was to declog some pipes.  I found some utterly disgusting smelling water, two popsicle sticks and a beer bottle lid that must have been there for quite a while.  It was quite rewarding getting all the junk out of the pipes and even more rewarding when I had a kitchen sink back. Go Me! #6 


The Simmons Family said...

So glad to hear that Danny is feeling better! I love the picture of Scott giving him a shot.. priceless. And way to go on unclogging the sink! I love to do tackles tasks like that.. makes me feel like a superwoman.

Chelle said...

I'm with you Heidi, I don't know how single moms do it. And i actually get quite a thrill from unclogging sinks. As sick as it sounds, it's thrilling to pull up enormous hair wads covered in black gunk and then see the water start to flow freely. :) Glad Scott is such a good helper.

Dan-o said...

Danny - you practically shaved your head. I'm very glad to hear that you're healing well. That is welcome news. Nice job to you too Heidi. Your dedication to your family shines through in these difficult times.

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