Monday, September 12, 2011

Pre-Kindergarten Years

I was asked by a new member of my old ward how I liked the Northgate Ward. I said that there could not have been a better Pre-Kindergarten ward for me. I feel so blessed when I think about the past two years I spent in the Northgate 1st Ward.

There is this small window you have in life when your oldest is old enough to have good friends, enjoy parks, museums, etc without being tied down to school. Those magical years start around 2 or 3 and end when they start kindergarten.

During those years I was surrounded by about 10 women who were in the same boat. I loved them, I loved their children and perhaps even more importantly they loved me and my children despite our weaknesses. Or my children's poopy underwear accidents that they needed to clean.

Everyone was unique, welcoming and full of love. Everyone was always willing to serve each other because they cared. While I had built in babysitters most of the time, I could call any of my friends and they would help with small and large requests whenever needed. I love when a friendship gets to the point that you can stop by unannounced and serve on a as need basis. That is the absolute best. And we had that. It was such a neat group that I will forever cherish

We did Saturday night co-ops that the kids could get together and play and us parents would have 2 saturdays to go out and date.

We did joy schools.

We did park days every Wednesday.

Running club on Saturday mornings.

Fieldtrips and kids running club in the summer.

Music time.

Parties and get togethers galore....Half of which I missed that were always at night when I worked.

The absolute best part of being a mom is being with other moms in your same boat. I was also blessed with friends whose house I would stop by and they would reach for the treats, give me mom wisdom, heat their pools, pick fruit with my kids and play with my kids who were well out of this stage of life. So blessed!

Everyone said to enjoy these years because it changes when kids start school and I am proud to say that I enjoyed them to the fullest. Most of that was because I was blessed with friends that were the absolute best! What a magical time of my life. A time that I will always hold close in my heart and cherish.

So I pass onto others that are still in this stage of life to enjoy it! It truly is the best! And now I am onto another stage that I know I am going to enjoy just as much. The elementary years. They come with different challenges, growth and triumphs and I want to be able to proclaim at the end of the next stage of my mommy journey that I enjoyed these years to the fullest as well. Kindergarten blog post coming soon but as for now night night.

Remember, I do have to get up early, have my kids actually dressed, breakfast fed, lunch packed, piano practiced, site words reviewed, Scott to a friends house and my other kids to music class earlier than I would like. Let the fun begin!

THANK YOU TO ALL MY Northgate Friends....I LOVE YOU!!!

1 comment:

cici said...

ahhhhhhhh yes,those were the days my friend.
The last control you will ever have over things and now Mom and Dad won't be as cool and smart.
Friends will now
be a bigger influence ;(

Make a Wish Reveal

Tyler is doing a make a wish trip to Hawaii this year.  We have been so fortunate that for the last 10 years he has been relatively healthy ...