Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Scott attends Walnut Acres Pre-K program. The elementary school runs a pre-k program for kids 4 years, 9 months and up in the morning. Scott was able to start in November. We started with two days a week and in February went 15 hours a week. Everyday except Wednesday which is park day and a day to play with all his friends.

I couldn't have found a better program for Scott. It is the perfect balance of playing, learning and he will attend school with all these kids next year. The teachers are so fun and loving. The kids all seem to have so much fun. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who has a child entering Kindergarten.

In the beginning he was really shy. He liked it, but didn't love it. He wanted to me to come in the classroom. We always talk before bedtime and he tells me about his day. Things are discussed at night that for some reason a child doesn't tell you during the day.

One night he told me one of his friends who he was playing with on the playground told him not to line up with him in line. I was SO sad! I heard that this boy did the same thing to other kids and her son thought he was sooo mean. My heart broke for Scott. The beginning of the pecking order begins.

One night at youth group we listened to a comedic, but oh so true talk on pecking order. Feelings will get hurt by friends in life. I did the only thing I know how. I prayed with Scott that he would make good friends and most importantly be a good friend. I explained that sometimes people will not be good friends. It doesn't mean they are a bad person, sometimes they just make a bad decision, need a friend or need to learn how to treat friends. We got books at the library that week on friendship.

That is such a hard thing to teach and I don't know if I said anything that was right. I do know that we can make our own happiness. I told him when someone says something hurtful, you walk away and find another friend to play with. You pray for strength and peace. You don't have to say or act meanly back, but don't have to tolerate that behavior. So much easier in words than actual life. Sometimes my kids aren't the friend they should be and we just keep learning and trying.

Anyway, the following day, he told me he hung out with different friends and had a great day. Since, he has been so happy. Prayer really does work and he has started to learn a life-long lesson that I know will just get more difficult with age. I am grateful I start with boys, because I know this is harder with girls.

His teachers tell me how happy he has been and how well he is doing which makes me happy.

I just love how much he loves it. He wants to stay longer than 9-1 to do more learning stations. When I drop him off everyone says hi to him. I love picking him up and watching him learn, do yoga, play or whatever they are doing that particular day. I love talking to him about his day. I am grateful he is enjoying school so much and we are all learning and growing so much in the process. We are learning academics of course (which all kid in my opinion will eventually learn at their pace) but most importantly how to get along with others, be kind and find happiness.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Can't imagine how hard that must be to hear. I will probably cry when Roman tells me about someone that isn't nice to him at school. I think the way you handled it was perfect and probably what I will tell Roman and Paisley one day. I love that Scott is loving school so much. What a wonderful program!

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