Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Compassion: Be the Good

BYU TV interviewed Heidi about Tyler and their aspect ratio doesn't fit this blog, so check out her clip:


Darin and Shannon said...

That was awesome! What an inspiration you and your family are Heidi! I got choked up watching that, you are amazing!

Julia M. said...

Phenomenal! I wish they gave you a chance to talk about Carl, too, because you have even more compassion than expressed in that clip. You are amazing, and your family is beautiful!

Melissa said...

I loved watching this Heidi. What a beautiful clip. I might be crying the rest of the day. This was just what I needed to watch today.

Oh and you have the cutest little kids I have ever seen!

Melissa said...
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Allison said...

This was awesome! Thanks for sharing!

To Be Determined said...

Wow, Heidi that is just about perfect. It's not easy to be in front of a camera telling your story. Inspiring. Well done. (It's been so long since I've seen you I didn't even recognize your voice)

liz said...

that was cool heidi- love your example and compassion.

Christina said...

Great job. I am grateful for the things I have learned as a heart mom, just wish I could have learned them another way though! :)

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