Monday, September 20, 2010

6 month Kira

I have no idea what happened to the past six months!! Kira has been the easiest addition to our family and we love our little girl so much. She radiates love and joy and is the center of her daddy's world. She has made me a better person in so many ways. I simply couldn't imagine life without Kira. Having boys and girls is so different. Little girls bring a difference spirit into your home. They are sweet and pure. Kira brings calmness into my crazy life. She relaxes me and brings peace into my life. I love her so much. Scott thinks she is, "soooo cute," and asks to hold her. The boys are good brothers. Tyler likes having baby Kira and hangs out around her but not with her.

At six months she screams these high pitched squeals to let people know she is around. She loves when Danny plays the piano or sings. She is our most verbal child. She is also our first child that sucks her thumb. Unlike the boys who loved their pacifiers. She sleeps the short way in her bassinet, smooshing her little head and feet against the side. She is very petite and pretty strong. She is just starting to prop her little bottom up when she is on her tummy. She still likes to pull her head forward when she is on her back. She loves to bounce and stand when you are holding her. She loves being outdoors. She can sit on a blanket or play in her excersaucer for a long time outside when others are around. She lets you know if she is left alone. She loves people. She is happy when anyone holds her. At times I wonder if she knows her own mother. In reality, she does and recognizes me and Danny as her parents who love and adore her. She isn't very good at eating solids mostly because it is not super convenient. It is funny how you are so excited to do new things with your first, a little less with your second and simply forget or don't have the time with your third. Eventually she will learn to eat, right?

I am trying really hard to have more of a routine for my kids, which she loves. She will actually have a real nap in her bassinet in the morning and evening if I am home and put her down. That is something I am always working on. This is what happens when I go to work...


Chelle said...

Already prepping her to help on the old motorcycle ey? I like it! She is too, too cute! I hear you guys might be coming out for Christmas? I will cross my fingers!!

Unknown said...

She looks so much like Tyler!

Heart Mommy said...

She is yummy! I bet right before bath she smells like tons of spit(gross sorry) from kisses because I wouldn't be able to help myself from smooching her all day. Then after the bath she is back to lovely baby smell...

Julia M. said...

She is beautiful! I adore her. Six months have gone quickly, huh?

DavidandJuliann said...

Love, Love, Love it!!! Kira is so adorable. We love you guys and hope to see you soon.

Heather said...

She truly is such a happy girl. It is almost like she can't stop smiling. I was happy to get to see her yesterday. Happy 6 months Kira!

carolyn q said...

I am so behind the times. Your little daughter is so cute and I agree having a daughter brings a whole new spirit in the family.
We need to catch up and I have some things I need to snail mail you too :0)


Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.