Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Artwork

Scott really likes doing art projects and creating things. He likes painting, coloring, playing with play-doh, cooking and anything he can work on. Here were his two projects for the day.

The bishop project. Yesterday we got a new Bishop. Bishop Bohne is such a great man and has an amazing wife. He is going to do a great job leading our ward family and I couldn't think of a more perfect bishop for our ward. Anyway, this morning Scott was wondering whose house I was returning books to and I told him, "the new Bishop". When we left he said out of no where, "mommy, we need to write the bishop a letter and tell him how much we love him." I am sure the idea came from church yesterday when Scott wrote a letter to the old Bishop telling him thank you for being his Bishop. So we got home, I printed out a paper that said, "I am grateful for....and Scott wrote "My Bishop" with the p the wrong way. I love when kids are learning to write their letters. It is so cute how they write and try so hard. He drew a picture of the street and the temple for him which were such cute ideas. He loves drawing temples probably because he likes building them with blocks. On the back I asked him what he wanted to tell the Bishop and he said, "Bishop, Thank you for being my bishop. I love you Bishop. Perro, that means dog. That's it. Love, Scott." How cute and funny is that!! Perro??...Where did that come from? When I repeated Perro my son corrected my accent. How funny is that. He than told me he could teach the Bishop Spanish if he needed to learn. Luckily, Bishop served his mission in Peru.
He learned the letter "R" in joy school.


The Simmons Family said...

How precious!! I love when they are learning to write. I kept all of Kamryn's "books" that she would write and illustrate when she was little. It's fun to look back on when they're older.

Scott.. you're a sweetheart to write the bishop such a great letter!

Julia M. said...

What a thoughtful little boy! I'm impressed that he knows his letters so well. Children learn so quickly, don't they?

I'm glad you had a tear-free day. Hooray for days like that!

Make a Wish Reveal

Tyler is doing a make a wish trip to Hawaii this year.  We have been so fortunate that for the last 10 years he has been relatively healthy ...