Friday, March 5, 2010

Funny Things Scott has said

I think I am just going to keep adding to this post about things Scott says. One of my friends says her son loves reading about the things he said when he was four. Here we go....

3/5/10 "Mommy, did you know some woman can be men too." "No they can't," I replied. "Yes, like Jas "man." We don't even know a Jasmin so I don't know where he got that from.

3/9/10 I try to put my kids down for a nap as I go to work for 1.5 hours each night. It is a total success with Tyler and hit or miss with Scott even though he totally needs one. When he was mad at me about having to take a nap and I was leaving for work he said, "Go to work and don't come back for 50 days and 50 nights because I am mad at you." Have to love a toddler whose nap time you are holding onto with dear life. And of course when he got up he was thrilled to see me.

3/14/10 Scott is only allowed to watch Church movies on Sunday. He was watching an old testament movie on Cain and Abel. When Cain slew Abel he got very sad and came to the conclusion, "that's ok though mommy because he is with Jesus now." He is a sweet little boy and very concerned about the well-being of others. I think a lot of it has to do with his role as a brother to tyler and carl.

When he watched the part on the creation, after every days creation he responded, "That is a great thing God did. Isn't that great mom?" I love that they are so eager to learn about Christ at such young ages. Kids are so pure.


Carly said...

haha! I bet it's from watching Aladdin.

Chelle said...

Good old Scott! that is clever! Don't you love the things they come up with? We're thinking about you lots Heidi! Can't wait till the babe gets here.

Aubrey said...

My entire day revolves around what my children will say next. Of the big list of things I enjoy, my children talking is very high at the top. It sounds perfectly logical to me...JASMAN>

Laurel said...

love it. I can totally hear Scott saying those things too. Can't wait to hear about your new arrival any day!

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