Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Day of Co-Op

We decided to wait a year before preschool. I, Scott and Tyler started on a rough week and decided to let things settle down a little. He had a really hard time and it was just one of those feelings of this isn't right. After I made the decision I felt soo much better and am excited for some things we are doing instead. One day we are doing a co-op with three of my friends. I am also going to try to do a bible study that has a complimentary playgroup which I hope Scott will do well at. We do a park day and music time at a senior home with my church that I am excited about as well. If anyone wants more information on Friday music time or our park day let me know. All are welcome and it is great for toddlers. Anyway, for our co-op once a week, one of the moms does playtime, a lesson, snack and project at there home. It was a lot of fun and the kids did great.
Elli playing on the slide Carter playing with trains.

The art project of the day.

Carter was excited to show Heather what he made.
Robynn & Miss Elli looking cute as always. Have fun next week, Robynn.


Jacquie said...

Looks like you're all having a great time - your week is going to be filled with so many fun activities.
Love, Grandma

Heather said...

Love the art project! Cute group of kids. Can I be a guest teacher?

The Cannons said...

I can't believe Ryan Plewe is marrying your best friend. You need to take lots of pictures for me and give him my congratulations. That is awesome news!!

ChrisnDave said...

Is it Joyschool, or just your own thing? Dave and I are actually really hoping to homeschool the kids with a few other Mormon families. We'll see - good thing we have a couple years before crossing that bridge!
By the way, is Ryan Plewe related to Brandon Plewe, from Sugar House area in SLC?

Amy said...

Ooh, this is such a good idea. I actually daydream about doing a full-on homeschooling co-op with five or ten other families. But that's still a little ways off... :)

Amy said...

Ha, I just read Christi's comment above mine:) Now, if I can just convince her to live close enough to me so we can home-school together!

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.