Thursday, September 11, 2008

The 5 McMillans

We went to someone's house who had a fish. All Scott talked about was the fish.
So we decided to let Scott go shopping at Petco. He chose really cool gravel, a fish and plenty of food to feed his fish.
Scott preparing the tank. He is very careful not to spill, put the right amount of chemicals and food.
He loves to watch, kiss, watch some more and tell us how his fish is eating the gravel. He also likes to show Tyler his fish but gets frustrated when Tyler tries to put his hands in the water.
Scott named him "Goldfish"Looking at the fish some more. It is very cute to see how he treats his fish. We shall see how long he is interested in the fish. I figure this is the perfect pet for a 2 year old & condo.


Jacquie said...

Heidi - Scott is so cute with his fish. That's how the "Lietz Farm" got started when you were 2. You & Heather each brought home a litte fish that you loved and cared for and before you know it... we had 2 fish, 2 cats, 2 hermit crabs, 2 rabbits, 2 goats, 2hamsters, 2 guinea pigs (plus their 17 babies), a pony and a dog. Can't wait to meet "Goldfish!

Jacquie said...

How could I have forgotten about your 2 adorable baby rats with their long tails that cuddled on your shoulder and often got to go to "Show&Tell" at preschool. And what a surprise when we found out that the 2 babies were both pregnant when we got them and we had 20 adorable baby rats living in both bathtubs of the house (each with their own mommy). Dad & I had a little explaining to do when guests asked why our house smelled like the elephant house at the zoo...

Heather said...

When I read Mom's 1st comment, I first thought what about the rats? Glad that she remembered them too. I love the picture of Scott admiring the fish. You can already tell he is going to be such an animal lover like his mom and Aunt.

Mardee Rae said...

So cute. What a great idea. So much is going on on your blog--allergies, infections, weddings, birthdays! Happy birthday to Tyler from me. We miss you guys. Thank goodness for blogs.

NikkiAWardell said...

I feel bad crashing your blog! I don't know you Heidi but I know the Glen McMillan family quite well. My parents, the Armstrongs, lived in their ward. I am a bit older than y'all but I have been asking about your little guy ever since his birth. I was just told about this blog and hope you don't mind that I stopped by. My little girl was born with Tetralogy of Fallot, a CHD. Not as serious as HLHS but a CHD nonetheless. I'm glad to see your little guy doing so well. Surgeries, hospitals, meds, blood gas counts, SATS, EKG's, echos, bills...all the stuff can be so overwhelming. We'll keep y'all in our prayers and hope you don't mind if I stop by now and then.

Nikki said...

Heidi! I have been reading your blog and want you to know how inspirational you are. Your family is adorable and your strength is so admirable. I miss your happy face. It's been so long. I hope things get better with your month...and I hope that goldfish lives the rest of the month too. You guys are amazing,our prayers are with you.
love you!

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.