Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A vid

of Tyler crawling for my Utah family.


Amy said...

What a cutie pie! Are you raising your boys to be bilingual? I hope so; that'd be so rad!

The MacMizzles said...

Holy Mole he is so cute! We use cel phones around here too, we get the floor mopped, the carpet vacuumed! :)

Julia M. said...

How darling! I just love watching both boys.

The Simmons Family said...

I'm so impressed with how well Tyler is crawling!! I also LOVE that you speak billingual to the kids... my husband speaks portuguese from his mission but we haven't thought about sharing it with our kids. AMAZING!

DCRomney said...

Hey so do you both speak Spanish with the little guys, or mostly Danny? I get so confused between Spanish and English and Sign Language, I can't keep them straight when I'm trying to talk to Rio - I'm sure he'll come out speaking some crazy Spanglish/Sign mixture that nobody besides his parents can understand :)

Lindsey Anne said...

Tyler is such a cute baby, and that's just from the pictures that I've seen! I can't wait to see him in person! I love the photos that you take, and this video is really fun. I especially like Scott's shirt :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! He's doing great! It has been a while since I've checked in on him. We just moved and had a really bad internet connection until 2 days ago. So good to see him doing so well!

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