Wednesday, July 9, 2008

CHD Awareness

Our heart hero!

I love this movie honoring CHD heros!

These kids truly are amazing and have taught me more about life, love and faith than I could have ever imagined. I feel blessed and honored to have Tyler in our lives each and everyday! I rejoice in what life has brought me. Both the good times and the bad have strengthened my family as we have grown to rely on each other and the Lord.


The Simmons Family said...

That video tears me up, but makes me so proud to be a heart mom! LOVE the picture of Tyler.

Heather said...

What a great video to pass along and for us to remember how important it is to be aware of CHD. We are so lucky that we live in a day where medical advances are so great!

I'm proud to be a fellow CHD survivor with Tyler and I know we will share that special bond forever.

Kerry Hoaglund said...

It looks like you guys are doing really well! I'm so happy for you! Love all of your pictures!! :)

The MacMizzles said...

He is so sweet. It must be such a trip to reflect on the past year of your life. I still feel humbled by you and your family. I think I admire the fact that you are enjoying life so much. Those are two very lucky little boys.

Thank you for the video.

Had a successful meet against Scottsdale at Woodlands.  The kids swam well.