Saturday, July 19, 2008

Go Toward The Light

In our church, we all have different callings. I teach a womens class. I love teaching and often gain so much from teaching. This weeks lesson is, "Words of Hope and Consolation at the Time of Death." This was a tough lesson for me. Tyler has a serious heart defect and made me think about life and death, but other than that, I haven't really had to deal with any unexpected deaths. I immediatley thought of our friends Beau and Heather. Beau lost his brother to AIDS at a young age. I look up to Beau and his wife Heather in so many ways. I wanted to share his story in my lesson. They let me borrow a book his mom wrote, which I didn't even know about, and which I think everyone should read. Go Towards the Light, by Chris Oyler, is about her family's journey as their son, Ben died of AIDS from a transfusion. It taught me the importance of treasuring each day with our children, helping them develop a relationship with God and being comforted by eternal life. When Tyler was diagnosed with HLHS my greatest fear as a mom was that he would be afraid of dying because of his heart. This book (also in a movie that I have yet to see) helped me realize that our journey in life, however long or short, can always be filled with peace. Thank you Oylers and Chris for such a great reminder!! I know that God places people in our paths for a reason and I truly feel like you helped me better understand my role as a mom to Tyler and Scott and as a wife to Danny.

1 comment:

Kerry Hoaglund said...

Death is always such a sensitive subject yet it's the unavoidable aspect of life that makes life so beautiful.

Celebrating Bailey

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