Thursday, December 6, 2007

Train exhibit

Danny, the boys and I went to the Blackhawk Car Musuem to see their european train exhibit. Danny has an HO train set that Scott and he love to play with and watch. Scott is also really into Thomas trains these days. The musuem was neat. We weren't too into the cars, but the train exhibit was awesome and I am not even that into trains. The tracks went around the entire room and represented different european countries with music, buidlings and people. There were bridges and tunnels, water ways and towers. Scott stood in different areas and loved to watch as the trains come by. It was a fun day. Afterwards we went to a cute little burger place and sat in the shade enjoying the beautiful day. I can't believe it is December and almost too hot for a sweatshirt. I am loving it!!! Scott loved the fountains, ducks and huge contruction site pouring cement. He is a true boy. It is fun to see him at the age that he is into certain things and enjoying himself so much. I really love toddlers. It was a fun date with my hubby and boys. They are soo much fun. Tyler is doing alright. He had a rough night and is still pretty upset. Time to help him.


Jill said...

What a fun outing and cool exhibit. My little boy loves trains too...I don't know what it is that draws these boys in about trains, but it's cool!
Good luck with Tyler. You're in my prayers.
Happy holidays!

Julia M. said...

That looks like so much fun! I would love to see that, too. I'm glad that you had fun with your boys, and that you are so warm during December! I still couldn't imagine it!!

Unknown said...

Little Tyler is in our prayers, and my mom's too. Your outing to the train exhibit sounded great!

Kerry Hoaglund said...

That's such a cool exhibit! Thomas is pretty popular with my little nephews, too. Looks like you had a fun day. Good for you!

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