Baby Roman

Dr. Paul Stanger was Heather's cardiologist until a couple years ago when she was transferred to adult pediatrics. He is still at UCSF and was great to us during Tyler's surgeries. He is highly respected by all. What a guy! Heather had a 2 day labor. They went as slow as possible with her heart with a couple snags along the way. We are grateful Heather and Roman made it through and are doing well.
Here is the cute little man! Roman Walter Maddox. 6lb. 10 oz. A lot of people think he looks like Scott as a baby. He is so cute. Can you tell I am a very proud Aunt. I love this little man so very much! I am so excited for Scott and Tyler to have a little cousin to play with.

View from Heather's room at UCSF. UCSF is in a beautiful part of San Francisco. Golden Gate Park is such a great place full of life, great musuems and cute little shops and restaurants. The pediatric social worker asked if I wanted to be part of UCSF's childrens hospital Advisory Board. They are building a new children's hospital and have put together a board to help in the process. It would be very interesting to be a part of. They are planning on building an AMAZING facility which would be great for the future of UCSF pediatrics. It is already one of the best hospitals in the nation and would be wonderful to have an updated, amazing facility.


Laurel said…
Congratulations Auntie! Tell Heather I say congrats to her and Jason too! I need their address...I would love to send her something.
Heart Mommy said…
Wonderful!!! Congrats to you Auntie!!!!I bet he smells so yummy. I love the smell of new baby...
Unknown said…
Congrats to Heather and Jason and you for being the newest auntie on the block. He is adorable!
The MacMizzles said…
Congrats! He is so cute.
Julia M. said…
Congrats Heather! What an accomplishment. And a beautiful boy. What a great addition!
Jenny said…
Heidi what a beautiful new addition to your family. How fun to have cousins for your boys! I am so happy Heather and the baby are doing well. Congrats to all of you!

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