
Showing posts from January, 2015

Christmas and bikes

Christmas 2014 was nice.  We usually go to Heather's church on Christmas Eve and then have dinner at Pop's house.  I texted Heather to say that we were running late and we'd just meet her at church, when she responded with a text that her dad was locked in the bathroom.  I thought maybe he had passed out or something but it was that the door mechanism had failed.  I went over and Jason and I ended up just cutting the trim off the door and using a card to push in the plunger.   I was pretty stoked about our tree.  I like getting real trees because of the smell, and Foodmax has them for $20.  I went in the lot and most of them were tied up.  I asked the guy whether he could untie any and he said no.  So I selected one that looked the fullest and strapped it on the van.  Heidi was like, "Are you sure?" "This is the one I've selected.  It's all bound up.  If you want to select a tree, you're welcome to do so but this is the one I've s